Twindrill Accepting Kasane Teto Videos for Their Official YouTube Channel

Twindrill, the creators of Kasane Teto, are looking to expand her world by establishing a YouTube community and presence for the famous UTAU. And they need your help to accomplish that!
Here is what Twindrill hopes to accomplish with the videos that they receive.
1) Launch Twindrill’s YouTube division
2) Expand Teto’s world and get more people using her
3) Make YouTube uploads for Niconico creators who would otherwise be reluctant to do so themselves, especially when it comes to writing video descriptions in English
4) In addition to Niconico, create another active community for Teto elsewhere
Before you submit your video, your submission must fulfill the following conditions.
1) Twindrill will only accept video submissions from their actual creators
2) The video must focus mainly on Teto
3) The video must be made for an original song
4) Videos cannot be overtly sexual, political, or religious, and must abide by Teto’s official guidelines.
※Even if the above conditions are fulfilled, it does not gurantee that your video will be uploaded
Use of Other Voice Banks
1) You may use other VOCALOID and UTAU voice banks as long as you follow each of their respective guidelines, and Teto remains the main focus
2) If the owners of the other voice banks request that the videos be deleted, Twindrill will comply
How Twindrill Will Be Uploading the Videos
1) Twindrill will choose the 3 best videos that they receive each week
2) The chosen videos will be uploaded every weekend
3) Videos will be uploaded under the “テトユーザ動画 (Teto User Videos)” category of Twindrill’s YouTube channel. See their channel for examples
4) Twindrill will translate the video descriptions into English. If you also wish to have the lyrics or other text in the video English-translated, then make sure to request that of Twindrill beforehand. Please keep in mind that it could take as long as a month to accomplish that, however.
※This last item only applies to songs and videos in Japanese
How to Submit Your Video
1) Upload both the video and video description data as a single zip file with the password to filestorage:
When uploading, make sure to:
a) Check the box that says “著作権侵害や違法なファイル・URLではない” to assure that your video does not infringe on any copyright laws
b) Check the box that says “さらに高度な機能を使う(選択は任意)” to allow use of more advanced features
c) Set your password
d) Begin upload
e) You will then be given the URL for your upload (in a light blue background), so please take note of it or save it
2) Your video description must credit the video creator
3) Fill in the online form:
(A) Email address
(B) From the drop-down menu, select “動画を応募する場合”
(C) Fill in the template items with the following:
Your name
Video title
URL for your uploaded file
Password for your uploaded file
Whether you would like English translation for in-video text (for Japanese language videos only)
Voice banks used (if more than just Teto)
(D) Submit

4) If you request English translations, Twindrill will send you their English translation for confirming.
For Questions
If you have questions, you may used the same form to contact Twindrill:
(A) Email address
(B) From the drop-down menu, select “質問する場合”
(C) Give your name
Ask your question(s)
(D) Submit

Information source:
You can follow Twindrill on:
Their blog
Teto’s official website
You can download Teto’s voice bank here:
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