Usagi no Utage 2, Akari no Utage 0 Announced

The third Usagi no Utage doujin event for Yuzuki Yukari, named Usagi no Utage 2 (which started with Usagi no Utage 0), has been announced to take place on October 20 at the Tajimi Industry & Culture Center! They are currently preparing their entry form for artist circles that will be interested in attending, so expect more news once it is complete. In the meantime, you can enjoy the promotional artwork by おむ烈 / Omelette!
But that’s not the only exciting news for fans of VOCALOMAKETS characters. Also announced is the first ever Kizuna Akari doujin event, Akari no Utage 0, taking place on the same day and at the same location! This event’s promotional visual was also created by おむ烈 / Omelette, and the entry form is currently in the works as well.
As more information is revealed for both events, expect it to be reported here!
Usagi no Utage on Twitter: @usagino_utage
Official website:
Akari no Utage on Twitter: @akarino_utage
Official website:
Event location:
3 Responses
[…] VOCALOMAKETS has announced that they have finished their first official compilation album for Yuzuki Yukari and Kizuna Akari, and will be holding a livestream to celebrate! The album is expected to be released on October 20, 2019 at Usagi no Utage 2. […]
[…] who can make it to Usagi no Utage 2 at the Tajimi City Industry & Culture Center on October 20 can purchase the album directly from […]
[…] VOCALOMAKETS has announced that they have finished their first official compilation album for Yuzuki Yukari and Kizuna Akari, and will be holding a livestream to celebrate! The album is expected to be released on October 20, 2019 at Usagi no Utage 2. […]