Medium⁵ Album “森罗万象Kaleido” Available Soon For Pre-order

The latest Medium⁵ album, 森罗万象Kaleido, will be available for pre-order starting at 8:00 PM (CST) on Sunday, October 6!
Crossfade Video
**UPDATE ON OCTOBER 12, 2019**
Here is another newly uploaded version:
Product page
※All translated and transliterated song titles and names below are fan-made, and thus not official

1. 噩梦铺 / Èmèng Pù (Nightmare Store)
Vocals: Stardust, Haiyi, Chiyu
Music, arrangement, lyrics: Evalia
Tuning: 瑞安Ryan
Illustration: Hanasa & 原子Dan

2. Requiem of Excalibur
Vocals: Haiyi, Chiyu
Music, arrangement: Hoskey
Lyrics: Uniparity
Tuning: 坐标P / ZuòbiāoP
Illustration: 大汉JAX

3. 四季 / Sìjì (Four Seasons)
Vocals: Haiyi
Music, arrangement: KAII (St.K4N3)
Lyrics: 陌小幽 / Mòxiǎoyōu
Tuning: 瑞安Ryan
Illustration: 言寺马川 / Yánsìmǎchuān

4. 恒星坠落之时 / Héngxīng Zhuìluò zhī Shí (When the Star Falls)
Vocals: Stardust, Chiyu
Music, arrangement: Kide
Lyrics: 沈病娇 / Chénbìngjiāo & 浓缩排骨 / Nóngsuō Páigǔ
Tuning: Creuzer & 坐标P / ZuòbiāoP
Illustration: kieed

5. 静止时间 / Jìngzhǐ Shíjiān (Time Standing Still)
Vocals: Chiyu
Music, arrangment, lyrics: 胧 / Lóng
Tuning: 瑞安Ryan
Illustration: Leiq雷

6. 带我逃跑 / Dài Wǒ Táopǎo (Take Me Away)
Vocals: Haiyi
Music, arrangement: erazedfx
Lyrics: 浓缩排骨 / Nóngsuō Páigǔ
Tuning: 瑞安Ryan
Illustration: Pre

7. Talking to the Rain
Vocals: Stardust, Haiyi
Music, arrangement: 大馄饨 / Dàhúntún
Lyrics: 浓缩排骨 / Nóngsuō Páigǔ
Tuning: 心 / Xīn & 流绪 / Liúxù
Illustration: 枫叶 / Maple

8. 尘埃 / Chénāi (Dust)
Vocals: Stardust
Music, arrangement, lyrics: ANK
Tuning: 心 / Xīn
Illustration: 匙 / Shi

9. 斑驳 / Bānbó (Mottled)
Vocals: Stardust, Haiyi, Chiyu
Music, arrangement, lyrics, tuning: Zeno
Illustration: 鳩山井鶴 / Hiroyamatsu
Purchse Options
For ¥60 RMB
Album 森罗万象Kaleido x1
Song illustration postcards x5

For ¥110 RMB
All of the above
Illustration book x1
75mm giant can badge x3

For ¥135 RMB
All of the above
Brooch x1 (your choice from among Stardust, Haiyi, or Chiyu)

For ¥190 RMB
All of the above
Brooch x3 (Stardust, Haiyi, and Chiyu)
A4 clear file folder x1

For ¥220 RMB
All of the above
Custom-made metallic casing x1
Numbered card x1

Pre-Order Bonus
※Available only while supplies last
Album cover postcard x1
Special A4 clear file folder x1 **
Paper shopping bag x1 **
** Only for purchase options costing at least ¥110 RMB

Weibo Campaign
If you have a Weibo account and share the below post, you can be selected as one of two winners who will receive all items contained in the ¥190 RMB set above! Winners will be sent their prizes on November 6, 2019.
Share for your chance to win:
**UPDATE ON OCTOBER 12, 2019**
You can now do the same for this post below! Prizes will now be shipped out on November 12, 2019.
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