Love Nikki x Hatsune Miku Collab Review

Usually when I write articles on collaborations, it’s all about how to best spend your time in the collab and how to maximize your benefits. However, the Love Nikki x Hatsune Miku collaboration is incredibly different from the collabs that many Miku fans have come to love. So this time, I’ll be doing a bit of a break down and a bit of a review.
The Basics
The collaboration itself is based on the plot of trying to find Miku Magical Mirai 2018. In this collaboration, each Miku is a different Miku and there are three of them to find: Magical Mirai 2016, Magical Mirai 2017, and Magical Mirai 2018 with 2018 being the “finale” so to speak. However, if you’re lucky, you may manage to find her before the other Mikus!
You can also obtain Rin and Len suits (full themed outfits are called “suits” in the game) although they seem more like small bonuses than anything else compared to the complexity of the Miku suits you obtain in game.
Obtaining the Suits
Unlike in many of the Miku collabs we’ve grown to love and hate at the same time because of the endless grinding and all of the level caps that give older players more of a chance at getting the exclusive items/units, the Love Nikki collaboration takes a different approach. Some would argue it’s a much fairer approach. Free to Play players would definitely agree that the time sink of grinding would be far more fair.
This is because the entire event is based around in-game currency called “Diamonds” which are essentially the Love Nikki version of “Pay to Win” currency. While you can obtain Diamonds through quests, completing suits, and other ways as you go throughout the game, the quickest way by far is to just exchange your real life money for the Diamonds.

The entire event is just exploring the Hatsune Miku Magical Mirai pavilion using your Diamonds. You get one free chance per day which won’t get you anywhere since the event is going on for less than a week (December 25th until December 31st at 23:59 [UTC-8]). Each exploration nets you a single Magic Cube. Collecting certain amounts of cubes will allow you to hit milestones and get special suits.
The milestones and their most common rewards are as follows:
20 Magical Cubes: Kagamine Rin or Len
50 Magical Cubes: Kagamine Rin or Len
120 Magical Cubes: Magical Mirai 2016 Miku
170 Magical Cubes: Magical Mirai 2017 Miku
265 Magical Cubes: Magical Mirai 2018 Miku + Magical Mirai Stage
There have been people pulling the rewards out of this order but most players will pull in the order listed.
Each exploration after the initial free one will cost you 30 Diamonds and you can choose to do bulk explorations of 10 for 300 Diamonds. If you’re interested in a full cost breakdown, you can check out the Reddit post here for more information. Thankfully, I had a lot of Diamonds left over from when I was addicted to Love Nikki several years ago so I was able to collect the Magical Cubes with no problem.
Each suit contains 6 or more pieces and completing the suits nets you gems, coins, and even special pose packs. The item descriptions are actually really cute especially for Magical Mirai 2017 which refer to lyrics of Sand Planet / Dune.
Adding all of the items obtained would make this article painfully long for mobile users. However, you can follow our Facebook where we’ll post breakdowns of each suit and then update this article with links to those breakdowns.
Bonus Events
Share your love of Miku on the official Love Nikki Facebook for a chance to win free suits and more! All you have to do is like the page and the post shown above and then comment with your favorite Miku related thing!
– 3 people will win the Magical Mirai 2018 suit
– 1 person will win all five of the collaboration suits
– And if the post gets get 40K (likes+comments+shares), 10 other people will win 7*Daily Diamond Cards (valued 420 Diamonds) each!
There’s also a special AR Event going on with even more prizes! Prizes for this competition are as follows:
– 5 people will win 7*Daily Diamond Cards(valued 420 Diamonds) each!
– 10 people will win 120 Stamina each!
– 50 people will win 25 Starcoins each!
If you’re unsure of how to get the AR function to work, you can use his lovely tutorial on Youtube here.
More Information
For more information, be sure to keep an eye on our Facebook page as well as the official Love Nikki Facebook page. There are only a few days left in the event so if you’re interested in it, be sure to join the game soon!
1 Response
[…] new and old members alike and a lot less brutal on the wallet. Instead of spending gems like in the first half of the collab, you simply complete levels to obtain “Future Cubes.” These special items let you […]