Hatsune Miku – Tap Wonder Announced, BGM and Pet Design Contest Underway

A brand new Hatsune Miku mobile game called Hatsune Miku – Tap Wonder is making its debut! You can find it’s official site here (Japanese) and here (English)!
Miku artwork for the game was illustrated by おぐち / Oguchi.
However, before they can officially launch, they need YOUR help. Right now, piapro has announced a BGM and pet design contest! Winning entrants will have the chance to hear their music and/or see their design used for Miku’s support pet in the game!
Pet Design Contest Details
Theme: A pet who cat help Miku fire up the world stage!
Contest Entry Period: January 24, 5:00 pm to February 21, 3:00 pm (JST)
Number of Winners: 7 (that number is subject to change)
Entry Guidelines
File size: at least 1000px by 1000px
File type: JPEG, PNG
Color mode: RGB
Resolution: at least 300 dpi
Upload your entry to piapro with the tag “TAPWONDER_ペットデザイン”
Make sure not to set your entry to licensed:

You may enter as many designs as you like
Entries are not restricted to just animals. Robots, fairies, etc. are all fair game as well, so free to let your imagination run.
See here for an example!

Caution Points
Your entries must be original designs and characters
You may only submit one pet design per entry
Your pet character can be in any pose that you like as long as judges can see their faces and any other traits that they can judge by
Your pet character must have a name. Make sure to enter your pet’s name as the title of your entry
※Please understand that when translating the game into other languages, the game developers will be the ones who translate the pets’ names as they see fit
If your pet design’s name includes Japanese in it, please write the name in katakana or English lettering for easier translation into other languages
Please understand that the game developers will be the ones to determine each selected pet characters skills and abilities
Please understand that selected designs may change slightly when the time comes to implement them in the game
Song Contest Details
Theme: Music with the feel of a live concert that can fire up players of the game
Entry period: January 24, 5:00 pm to February 21, 3:00 pm (JST)
Number of winners: 10 (that number is subject to change)
Acceptable VOCALOID character voicebank: Hatsune Miku
※V2, Append, V3, V4X, English, Chinese all acceptable)
※For the chorus, voicebanks for Kagamine Len, Kagamine Rin, Megurine Luka, MEIKO, or KAITO are also acceptable
Entry Guidelines
Song length: no longer than 5 minutes
File type: MP3
Upload your entry to piapro with the tag “TAPWONDER_BGM”
Make sure not to set your entry to licensed:

You may enter as many entries as you like
Caution Points
Your entry must be an original and unlicensed work
Your entry can be in any genre and any language
You must submit lyrics of your song entry as well, either as a text upload or in the entry’s description. If you submit them as a separate text upload, make sure to register it as a “関連する作品” (related work)
If your song’s title includes Japanese in it, please write the name in katakana or English lettering for easier translation into other languages
The game developers may ask you to supply your entry as WAV data if selected
Results will be announced sometime in March, and the winning entrants will be contacted by email from Crypton Future Media with @crypton.co.jp its address name, so please make sure that the email address used with your pirapro account can receive emails from them.
Best of luck to one and all! Expect the game to be released sometime in spring 2020!
Hatsune Miku – Tap Wonder official Japanese and English Twitter accounts
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