Luo Tianyi's Performance with Dimash Kudaibergen At CCTV New Year's Gala 2020 Now Available Online

You can now watch Luo Tianyi’s previously reported performance at the CCTV New Year’s Gala 2020 online!
Song Details
Performers: Luo Tianyi and Dimash Kudaibergen
Song title: 茉莉花 / Mo Li Hua (original arrangement)
AR production by LATEGRA Inc.
Music supervision: 人形兎 / Rosary
Voice tuning: 动点P / DongDianP
Where to Watch Online
One way to watch the show is on CCTV’s official upload on YouTube:
And the other way to watch is on Tianyi’s official Bilibili channel:
Watch the performance here on Bilibili!
Performance Details
The performance starts off with Tianyi appearing in a beautiful water flower, singing the first verse of the well known folk song. Then it leads into Dimash appearing and singing alongside her, and they perform Mo Li Hua in a traditionally beautiful – if overly familiar – fashion.

But after the pair finish singing the Mo Li Hua in full once, that’s when the tempo changes completely into a more modern and distinctly Middle Eastern beat! Tianyi and Dimash then sing the song again and dance to this new rendition with Dimash – a Kazakhstan native – probably feeling more in his zone!

We suggest watching the Bilibili upload of the performance because afterwards, you’ll be treated to a segment with Tianyi coming back on stage to speak with the show MC, and try her hand at addressing the audience and wishing them a Happy New Year in the Ningbo dialect!

It’s also only on Bilibili that you can watch a follow-up video Dimash and Tianyi speaking together and teaching each other how to say “happy new year” in Chinese and Kazakh!

We hope everyone enjoys this very unique performance and talk sessions that blend together different music, languages, cultures, and people – both real and virtual – into one unforgettable show!
Let’s also remember that Tianyi has performed at past events and shows hosted by CCTV as well as other major New Year’s events before. Therefore, this performance will most likely not be the last one of its kind!
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