Celebrate Our Beloved Kaito’s Birthday In Mikucolle!

Following on from Megurine Luka’s birthday event in Mikucolle (which I covered recently here), we also have a cute Kaito event available!
1. Free Mikucoins upon logging in

(Opening screen, art by サワシ)
Until February 17th (13:59 JST), you can get free Mikucoins just by logging in! If you haven’t already checked the app, it’d be a good idea to check it out quickly to make use of the offer (I know I needed those coins… ).
2. Special Kaito Gacha!
Three Kaito gacha have been created especially for his birthday! So let’s take a look at them quickly:

-With the first banner at the top, we have a gacha which requires 100 Mikucoins for a 10+ 1 extra gacha pull. You’re guaranteed at least one SSR+ from it, and all cards come with max rank and max level! I’d assume that this gacha is so expensive because the rate for SSR+ here is 5%, which is 4% higher than the next gacha.
-In our second gacha we have three options. The first one on the left is one pull only, and it costs 3 Mikucoins. You can do this one once a day. The middle one is a one pull gacha too, but you can play it as many times per day as you like. This one costs 5 Mikucoins per pull. Next we have the third option, which gives you 10 cards plus one extra, so it’s the best value for money. You should get at least one SSR with this gacha, and it costs 50 Mikucoins.
-The final gacha available is a free one. You can have one whole go at the full gacha without paying! And I must admit, I got a reaaally good pull from this one:
Special cards available include:
「祝歌の使者 KAITO」/”Iwai-uta no shisha KAITO” (Messenger of Festive Song KAITO) -SSR+

Art by : サワシ (Sawashi)
Skill: 恩愛をお届け!(Deliverance of Kindness and Affection!)
「素敵で特別な一日」/ “Suteki de Tokubetsu na Ichinichi” (A Lovely and Special Day) – SSR+

Art by : kkc
Skill: ありがとうのきもち (Thankful Feeling)
「和ロック☆KAITO」/ “Wa-rokku KAITO” (Japanese-style Rock KAITO) – SSR+

Art by : 黒獅子 (Kuro Jishi)
Skill: 清廉なる調べ (Melody turning pure)
「サファイアと慈愛の輝き」/”Saffaia to Jiai no Kagayaki” (Radiance of Sapphires and Affection) – SSR+

Art by : kkc
Skill: 祝福のサフェイロス “Blessing of Sappheiros”
3. Special Kaito packs available to buy!
Then we have the new packs available in the shop!

Pack 1. KAITO Birthday Pack 10000 – ¥10000 ($90 USD / £70 GBP)
-225 Mikucoins (Buy 100, get 125 free!)
– One Kaito “bodyguard”

Pack 2. KAITO Birthday Pack 4900 – ¥4900 ($44 USD / £34 GBP)
-106 Mikucoins (Buy 49, get 57 free!
-One Kaito “assistance team”
Although it might not look like much, a special gacha or three is always fun to play, especially when celebrating one of our favourite Vocaloid’s birthdays! Good luck with your Gacha pulls everyone! And make sure to check out the event before February 17th (13:59 JST)!