Gorgeous Luka- themed Cards Await you in Mikucolle

Our next event -featuring the beautiful Megurine Luka- which follows on from Len’s debut in the “Dreaming of a Music Band” series is here! Let’s find out what amazing cards are available this time.

As always with these events, you get a free Mikucoin for logging in each day. Make sure to open the app and claim them until the 31st March 2020.
Megurine Luka gacha!

In the gacha here, there are three different ways to play! It’s pretty simple: The first button on the left gives you just a single pull, and it costs 3 Mikucoins. This part of the gacha can be used once a day. The middle button gives you a one pull gacha too, but you can play it as many times each day as you want. This middle one costs 5 Mikucoins per pull. As well as using Mikucoins, if you have a regular golden gacha ticket, you can use that for the middle button too (for one pull). Lastly, we have the third option, which gives you 10 cards plus one extra in one pull, so it’s the best value for money. You should get at least one SSR with this gacha, and it costs 50 Mikucoins.
The main featured cards are as follows:
「夢見る音楽隊 ルカ」/ “Dreaming of a Music Band Luka” (Yume-miru Ongakutai Luka) – SSR+

Art by BUZZ
Skill: “Let’s make music together!”
Oh, and if you use this special Luka card as your leader card during Guild Battles (which I’ll cover in a moment), all other cards in your deck will get +100% in Singing Power!
「桃色の歌姫」/ “Peach- coloured Singing Songstress” (Momoiro no Uta-hime) – SSR+

Art by 黒獅子 (kurojishi)
Skill: “Peach coloured breath SP”
「巡音ルカさま」/ “Princess Megurine Luka” (Megurine Luka-sama) – SSR+

Art by ひま (hima)
Skill: “Light of affection LL”
「極星の女神」/ “Goddess of the Polar Star” -SSR+

Art by iXima
Skill: “Shooting Star”
As well as this gacha, the regular premium gacha has now been replaced with…

… the “super premium gacha”! This gacha works in exactly the same way as the Luka one I mentioned earlier, but here you’re 4 times more likely to get an SSR+ or SSR with each pull.

Now for info about the Guild Battles! During this time, you and your guild can fight against enemies together and earn Guild Medals to trade in for cool clothing items and accessories for your character, as well as building materials, Mikucoins and gacha tickets. I’d personally advise loading a deck full of Luka cards to go and try and beat the bosses, since all Luka cards will get a big power boost when used in these particular battles.
Anyone who joins in with the Guild Battles can get these event-exclusive items, plus a cute Guild-stamp too!

And finally, after you’ve had your fair share of gacha-ing for Luka cards, you can try your hand at venturing into the Tanuki Villiage Shrine (狸神社) to try and get this super cute Meiko card!
「星空の中で MEIKO」/ “Meiko in the Starry Sky” (Hoshizora no Naka de Meiko) – SSR

Art by Nardack
On the main page, if you click on the round button in the bottom right hand corner, you can do an exploration in one of various areas. Doing explorations will cost you stamina, but it’s definitely worthwhile if you manage to get hold of this super cute card! The longest explorations yield the most items, so I’d recommend doing those if you can afford them. You have plenty of time to get it, since this will run until April 23rd 2020.
This time there are no limited gacha- specific packs in the online store, but the old ones are still there, all of which allow you to purchase Mikucoins, gacha tickets and other items to help you during this event period. This Luka-themed event will be available until March 31st, so good luck with your gacha pulls and Guild battles!
That’s all I have in terms of Mikucolle updates, so thank you for reading!