Project SEKAI Colorful Stage! feat. Hatsune Miku Character Spotlight: Ichika Hoshino

The full self introduction video for Ichika Hoshino – first shown partially during the Miku Day 2020 livestream – is now available for viewing on the official SEGA feat. HATSUNE MIKU Project YouTube channel!
Video Transcript:
[Lesson Studio]
“Is everyone enjoying themselves?”
“I’m Ichika Hoshino, the guitarist and vocalist for Leo/need. Thank you for coming to watch our show.”
“That’s my best shot at a greeting for the real thing, but what else should an MC talk about…”
“Oh, my hobbies?”
“Hobbies, huh… I don’t really have any in particular…”
“Ah, I do listen to Miku songs a lot. I really like them.”
“…When do I listen to them?”
“Whenever I’m free… ah, and I also listen to them when I’m feeling down or lonely. When I do, they help me calm down a little.”
“Also, when I first got my guitar from my dad, I wondered if I could play Miku songs on it, so I started practicing them.”
“Ah… now that I think about it, it was at that moment when my dad told me how I got my name.”
“My parents both like the same song, and that was how they met.”
“Then they fell in love and later had me…”
“They met over a song, and were blessed with a child. So for that reason, they gave me the name Ichika.”
[Note: Ichika’s name (一歌) literally means “one song”]
“My dad told me how he hopes that I, too, can someday meet someone precious to me through a song.”
(I guess Saki, Honami, and Shiho are kind of like that to me…)
“Ah, it’s nothing.”
“Now, what else should I talk about…?”
“…What my future goals are? Hmm, let me think…”
“After starting high school, I wasn’t able to find what it is that I want to do, and just sort of passed each day without a real purpose…”
“But then I was able to start a band with Saki, and then Honami and Shiho joined us, too.”
“A lot of stuff happened between us before that…”
“But now we spend our days together as four childhood friends. It’s a lot of fun, and makes me very happy.”
“So I want to do my very best for this band that the four us have created.”
“…So, um, how was that?”
You can also find an English-subbed version here on キョロキョロ Subs!
Official Illustration
A tweet from the official Project SEKAI Twitter account also shares her official artwork with us!
Quote: “Miku sure is amazing… No matter what style she takes, she fits into it.“
Message from Ruriko Noguchi
Finally, another tweet conveys a message to us from Ichika’s voice actress, Ruriko Noguchi:
“I am honored to be able to participate in such a wonderful project. I hope you all look forward to learning the stories behind each of these characters, from the internationally loved Hatsune Miku and her delightful friends to the original characters created in this project.”
“The character whom I voice, Ichika Hoshino, is a very kind-hearted girl who always thinks about her friends.”
“I will do my very best to convey her feelings to everyone through my voice-acting and singing.”
“Please look forward to Project SEKAI!”
**UPDATE ON JULY 23, 2020**
“I want the four of us to be in a band together!”
Stay tuned for more Project SEKAI coverage as the game nears its pre-registration period in late April!
Project SEKAI Colorful Stage! feat. Hatsune Miku official site
Project SEKAI Colorful Stage! feat. Hatsune Miku official Twitter
Initial game announcement and “rumors”
“Daily Life at Project SEKAI” Comics
Highlights from the October 23, 2019 livestream
Highlights from the March 9 (Miku Day), 2020 livestream
Character Profiles
Virtual Singers
Wonderlands x Showtime
25 o’clock by Night Code