Tsurumaki Maki Outfit Design Contest 2020 Announced

One of the stories announced during the 155th AHS Official Livestream was the Tsurumaki Maki Outfit Design Contest 2020! Read below for info and how you can enter!
Contest Period
March 26, 2020 through April 30, 2020 at 11:59 PM (JST)
Results will be announced sometime in mid-May
※The winners will be contacted via direct messaging on Twitter, so all contestants must enable direct messages on their accounts
Grand Prize (1 winner): Your design will be illustrated by 梅谷阿太郎 / Ataroo Umetani
You will also receive:
・Merchandise with Ataroo Umetani’s designs (type of goods to be determined)
・A VOICEROID product of your choice
・An autograph from the Ataroo Umetani
Runner-ups (2 winners)
You will receive:
・Merchandise with Ataroo Umetani’s designs (type of goods to be determined)
・A VOICEROID product of your choice
・An autograph from the Ataroo Umetani
How to Enter
Tweet your design as an image upload on Twitter with the hashtag #マキ衣装コン
Only 1 design per tweet
Contestants may enter as many designs as they want
Contestants are free to determine the size of their entries.
However, the contest organizers recommends that each dimension of the image be at least 1000 px in length so that that design details can be easily seen.
Designs must be colored
Hairstyles are free for the contestant to determine
If you wish to add a description for the design details, those descriptions must be written in the entry image itself, so make sure that your entry is large enough to accommodate them
You may submit your design with multiple images, but please make sure that all images can be included in a single tweet
See below for an example of an acceptable entry.

※The text that you may include in your entry tweets, as well as any text made as replies or retweets with comments to your entry tweets are not read by the contest organizers
※If your entry is selected to win, please do not delete your entry tweet or make it private
※Overseas fans may enter. However, depending on location, it may not be possible to send overseas winners the prizes
※If your entry is selected to win, you may be asked to supply more details about your design, such as a back illustration, side illustration, or written design explanations
※Only designs made by a single person will be accepted. Designs made by multiple people are not allowed.
※Minors may enter the contest, but must receive parental or guardian consent to the rules above in order to enter
Caution Points
1. Your entry will not be accepted if:
- It has been previously uploaded online
- It does not satisfy all the above requirements
- It does not contain the hashtag #マキ衣装コン
- It was uploaded with a private Twitter account
- It was uploaded outside of the contest period, or re-uploaded at any point
- It infringes on copyrights of any third party
- It is deemed obscene, violent, discriminatory, or otherwise goes against standards of public order and ethics
- If the contest organizers do not determine your entry to be valid
2. Contestants hold the copyright to their own designs
3. All contestants agree to allow AHS to print their Twitter nicknames or account names on AHS’s website, in a published work, or at an event
4. Winning contestants must consent to AHS creating merchandise out of their winning designs
5. The grand prize-winning design will be illustrated by Ataroo Umetani and made into merchandise as contest prizes, and for future merchandise and events as well. Usage charge for the design will be paid by AHS to the winning contestant when they consent to AHS creating merchandise out of their design
6. Winning entries cannot be used by the contestant or any third party without prior consent by AHS. However, contestants may share it on Twitter, Facebook, or other social media. Fan art and cosplay using the winning design are also allowed.
7. Entries that get deleted will be disqualified from the contest
8. AHS will only use information submitted by contestants at the time of entry to contact them
9. AHS will contact contest-winning candidates by direct messaging on Twitter. Those who do not reply within a specified time period will be disqualified
10. Winning contestants must sign a contract with AHS to consent to them using the design before they can declared the contest winners.
Remember that you can search the #マキ衣装コン hashtag on Twitter to see other entries. Best of luck to all who will be entering!
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