Easter Fun Comes to Mikucolle~!

Welcome to Mikucolle’s special spring- themed event for 2020! There are lots of cute things to see and fun things to try with Miku and the gang, so let’s go and check it all out!

To join in with the main part of this event, you need to go to the event quests in the game and click on this pink banner:

Here, the stages gradually get more difficult (indicated by how much stamina is required), but the more difficult the stage, the more tickets you’ll receive for the gacha!
To get even more tickets, you can complete missions such as
-Completing the event levels without having to revive yourself
-Defeating a certain amount of normal bosses
-Completeing levels without using a magical item
For this event, since all of the enemies tend to be leaf-type ones, I’d recommend making a deck full of as many fire- type cards as possible, so that your attacks are more effective.
New Easter-themed gacha available:
And here are all of the new gacha you can try!

-The first gacha at the top is a three-option gacha, so you can choose one option depending on how many Mikucoins you have, or how many pulls you’d like to do. The button on the left is one pull only, and it costs you 3 Mikucoins. You can do this one only once a day, and it only gives you one card per pull. The button in the middle is a one pull option too, but you can play it as many times per day as you want, and it costs 5 Mikucoins per pull. If you have one of the regular golden gacha tickets, you can use that for one pull using the middle button instead. On the far right we also have the third option, which gives you 10 cards plus one extra –the best value out of all three types here. You should get at least one SSR with this gacha, and it costs 50 Mikucoins.
-Our second one is the free gacha, which gives each player the opportunity to do one “10 cards +1 extra” pull without paying anything. These free gacha have pretty good rates for SSRs and SSR+ cards, so don’t forget to try this one.
-Thirdly, we have a gacha which requires specific tickets that you have to buy in the online store. You only get one pull for this, but there’s a high probability for SSR+ cards. I’ll explain about how to get these tickets in the “new packs” section later on in this article.
-Following this one, we have a gacha which requires a different type of ticket (again, I’ll explain more about this later). However with this gacha, you should get no less than an SSR with your pull.
And here are the beautiful cards which you’ll be striving to earn in the gacha I just mentioned:
「春の訪れ癒し桜」/ “Haru no Otozure Iyashi Sakura” (arrival of the healing sakura of spring) -SSR+

Art by 芳野サク
Skill: Sakura in the Palm of My Hand
「お花見スイーツ ルカ」/ “O-hanami sweets Luka” (cherry blossom viewing sweets Luka) – SSR+

Art by 猫魚 /Neko Sakana
Skill: Refined Japanese Sugar of the Sakura
「お花見スイーツ KAITO」/ “O-hanami sweets KAITO” (cherry blossom viewing sweets KAITO) – SSR+

Art by 猫魚 /Neko Sakana
Skill: Sakura Tricolour Dango
「お花見スイーツ MEIKO」/ “O-hanami sweets MEIKO” (cherry blossom viewing sweets MEIKO) – SSR+

Art by 猫魚 /Neko Sakana
Skill: Sakura Mochi
「お花見スイーツ 梅」/ “O-hanami sweets Ume” (cherry blossom viewing sweets plum) – SSR+

Art by 猫魚 /Neko Sakana
Skill: Plate of Sweet Things for Hanami
Plus, if you add any of these cards as the leader card in your deck and play the event with it, you’ll get a power boost!
(Did you notice anything familiar about these cards? It turns out that these are based off of promotional art for the Sakura Miku x Animate Café collabo I wrote about here!)
But that’s not all! Lastly we have the two Box Gacha, which use those purple and yellow box gacha tickets I mentioned earlier.

On this screen you can see the first box gacha. On this page is is box no.1 out of 6, and each box has a variety of items within it. Each item within the box can be redeemed multiple times, so you need a LOT of tickets just to finish one box. After box 1, you move onto box 2 which has other items, etc. etc. until you’ve got through all of them. Now I can show you what’s in each box:

Box 1’s main item is the “Spring ☆ Easter Luka Hairstyle (x11)
Box 2’s main item is the “Spring ☆ Easter MEIKO Hairstyle (x11)
Box 3’s main item is the “Spring ☆ Easter Rin Hairstyle (x11)
Box 4’s main item is the Easter Corolla (x18)
And box 5’s main item is the “Spring ☆ Easter outfit (x11), which should be compatible with any of the girls you choose as your main character.

As well as this, you can receive items such as Mikucoin shards, GP, Eeru (エール) points (for the Eeru gacha) and building materials in each box!
The second box gacha is pirate themed:

This box gacha works in exactly the same way as the first one, except that it only has one box (and the tickets are more difficult to get). Plus, you can get these super cool cards inside:
「ミニミニ☆パイレーツ」/ “Mini Mini ☆ Pirates” -SSR+

Art by 雪乃たまご
Skill: “Virtual Pirate Group”

New packs available in-store!
As is always is with Mikucolle, if you want to try out the special ticket-limited gacha, you’ll need to buy specific packs in the store with real money. Here are the ones you’ll need for this event:

1.Mikufest Part 1 Pack 10000 – ¥10000 ($91 USD / £70 GBP)
-225 Mikucoins (Buy 100, get 125 free).
– One SSR+ Mikufest part 1 gacha ticket (A ticket for the “high probability SSR+ gacha” I mentioned earlier).
2.Mikufest Part 1 Pack 4900 – ¥4900 ($44 USD / £34)
-91 Mikucoins (Buy 49, get 42 free!)
-One “At least an SSR” Mikufest first half gacha (for the “At least SSR” gacha from earlier).
Note: you can buy each of these packs a maximum of 10 times.
By the way… since April fool’s is always Yuki Miku-dayo day in Japan, they decided to give you a special Yuki Miku-dayo card every day since April 1st. Did you manage to get one?
「雪ミクダヨーを探せ !」/ “Yuki Miku-dayo o Sagase!” (Search for Snow Mikudayo!) – SSR+

Skill: “Which one is posed differently?”
As well as this, there’s been a special addition to the Eeru (エール) gacha I mentioned earlier!

If you play this gacha, you can get this other special Yuki Miku-dayo card:

Skill: “Overwhelming Heroine Power”
Good luck with your gacha pulls everyone!
Thank you for reading all about the current Mikucolle event! This part of the event will be running until the 8th April 13:59 JST, so there’s still time to work on it! I’m sure we’ll have more updates soon, so keep your eyes on our social media pages to find out what’s happening next.
Official Crypton Future Media Blog
Official Mikucolle Twitter (JP)
Event opening dialogue translation:

- Melopi: it’s spriiiiiiiiing!
- Miku: it is!
- Meiko: that’s quite an impressive outfit you’ve got there, assistant Melosuke.
- Melopi: that’s because it’s spring!
- Rin: it’s so nice and warm out now!
- Len: And all of the flowers are blooming!
- Kaito: and it’s finally ice cream season again!
- Luka: hehe, don’t eat too much or you’ll hurt your stomach, okay?
- Meiko: nevertheless, the weather really is lovely-
- Meiko: and it’s also hanami season! (Cherry blossom viewing season).
- Melopi: exactly!
- Meiko: you’re excited about hanami?
- Melopi: no no, even better- egg hunts!
- Meiko: ah, because it’s Easter soon.
- Miku: the festival where we celebrate spring!
- Kaito: speaking of which, this year we said that we could celebrate Easter with the forest dwellers, didn’t we?
- Rin: rabbit-san, bird-san, bear-san, squirrel-san.
- Len: I wonder how they’re all doing?
- Meiko: we should bring some bento with us too~
- Luka: doing an egg hunt and having a picnic in a forest full of pretty flowers in spring sounds wonderful!
- Miku: right, let’s go then!
1 Response
[…] Hello Mikucolle players! As Easter soon approaches, and spring is pretty much in full bloom, we have our newest event in mobile game Mikucolle to enjoy. To check out info about the beginning of said event, you can read my previous article here. […]