Easter in Mikucolle – Newest Updates

Hello Mikucolle players! As Easter soon approaches, and spring is pretty much in full bloom, we have our newest event in mobile game Mikucolle to enjoy. To check out info about the beginning of said event, you can read my previous article here.
Now I have the second part of the event for you, with even more gacha! Hooray! It’s not like I needed any Mikucoins anyway!
Note: You can also read my translations for the event dialogue (which appears when you play your first quest for the Easter event) at the end of this article!

As well as the first half of the event under the pink quest banner, there is also this green one now:

The quests work in exactly the same as the ones under the pink banner, so if you need a refresh for how they work, you can quickly check what I said back in my recent article.
The only difference with these levels is that you’ll start to get blue gacha tickets instead of purple ones (you’ll also get some of those elusive yellow tickets playing these levels).
Note: Each time you clear a stage now, you’ll also be shown your “high score”. Anyone who gets enough points in the event will get a special card, so make sure you try to get to the higher levels and rack up those points! You can increase you high score by including special cards in your deck too! Usually it’s the top 100 highscorers who will get at least one copy of the card during ranking competitions.
And here’s the card you can get:
「お花見!さくら!スイーツ!」/ “O-hanami! Sakura! Suiitsu!” (cherry blossom Viewing! Sakura! Sweets!) – SSR+

Art by 福きつね (Fuku Kitsune)
Skill: “Full Bloom Sakura Parfait”
New gacha for the event

As always, we have a new lineup of gacha which complement those from the first part of the event!
-The first gacha you can see is the classic three-option gacha, so you can choose an option depending on how many Mikucoins you have, or how many pulls you’d like to do. The button on the left is one pull only, and it costs you 3 Mikucoins. You can do this one only once a day, and it only gives you one card per pull. The button in the middle is a one pull option too, but you can play it as many times per day as you want, and it costs 5 Mikucoins per pull. If you have one of the regular golden gacha tickets, you can use that for one pull using the middle button instead. On the far right we also have the third option, which gives you 10 cards plus one extra –the best value out of all three types here. You should get at least one SSR with this gacha, and it costs 50 Mikucoins.
-I’d like to bring your attention in particular to the second gacha – the free gacha, which gives each player the opportunity to do one “10 cards +1 extra” pull without paying anything. These free gacha have pretty good rates for SSRs and SSR+ cards, so don’t forget to try it out!
-Thirdly, we have a gacha which requires specific tickets that you have to buy via the online store. You only get one pull each time for this gacha, but there’s a high probability for SSR+ cards. I’ll explain about how to get these tickets in the “new packs” section later on in this article.
-And following on from this we have another gacha where you need to buy packs in the online store to use it. With this particular gacha, you should get no less than an SSR with your pull.
For these gacha listed, here are the main featured cards you’ll be aiming to get:
「花見の茶事」/ “Hanami no Chagoto” (Cherry blossom viewing tea gathering) -SSR+

Art by 野崎つばた (Nozaki Tsubata)
Skill: “Full Bloom Sakura Parfait”
「お花見スイーツ 桜ミク」/ “O-hanami Suiitsu Sakura Miku” (Cherry blossom viewing sweets Sakura Miku) – SSR+

Art by 猫魚 /Neko Sakana
Skill: “Sakura Candy”
「お花見スイーツ リン」/ “O-hanami Suiitsu Rin” (cherry blossom viewing Rin) – SSR+

Art by 猫魚 /Neko Sakana
Skill: “Sakura Matcha Roll”
「お花見スイーツ レン」/ “O-hanami Suiitsu Len” (Cherry blossom viewing Len) – SSR+

Art by: 猫魚 /Neko Sakana
Skill: “Sakura Parfait”
「お花見スイーツ 桜」/ “O-hanami Suiitsu Sakura” (cherry blossom viewing sweets sakura) – SSR

Art by 猫魚 /Neko Sakana
Skill: “Set of Sweet Things for Hanami”
Remember: if you set any of the cards shown above as the leader card in your deck and play the event with it, you’ll get a power boost and extra points towards your overall ranking! (I’ll explain how ranking work in a little while).
You might have also noticed that some of these cards look familiar! As I mentioned before, these cards are based off of promotional art for the Sakura Miku x Animate Café collabo I wrote about before).
Now for the info about the new box gacha which was added!

This box gacha is the second part of the one using purple tickets, which means that it has the Easter themed outfits and hairstyles for Len, Kaito and Miku in it!
As I explained before, on this screen you can view the first box from the box gacha. This is therefore box no.1 out of 6, and each box has a variety of different items inside it. Each item in the box can be redeemed multiple times, so you need a LOT of tickets to even finish one box, making the items in the later boxes the most difficult to acquire. After box 1, you move onto box 2 which has other items, etc. etc. until you’ve got through all of them. So here’s what’s in each box:

Box 1’s main item is the “Spring ☆ Easter Len Hairstyle” (x11)
Box 2’s main item is the “Spring ☆ Easter KAITO Hairstyle” (x11)
Box 3’s main item is the “Easter Candy”
Box 4’s main item is the “Spring ☆ Easter Miku Hairstyle” (x11)
And box 5’s main item is the “Spring ☆ Easter outfit” (x11), which should be compatible with any of the boys you choose as your main character.

New packs available in-store!
If you want to try out the special ticket-limited gacha I mentioned earlier, you’ll need to buy specific packs in the store with real money. Here are the ones you’ll need to help you:

1.Mikufest Part 2 Pack 10000 – ¥10000 ($91 USD / £70 GBP)
– 225 Mikucoins (Buy 100, get 125 free).
– One SSR+ Mikufest part 1 gacha ticket (A ticket for the “high probability SSR+ gacha” I mentioned earlier).
2.Mikufest Part 2 Pack 4900 – ¥4900 ($44 USD / £34)
– 91 Mikucoins (Buy 49, get 42 free!)
– One “At least an SSR” Mikufest first half gacha (for the “At least SSR” gacha from earlier).
Note: you can buy each of these packs a maximum of 10 times.
3.Mikufest Bonus pack 10000
-300 Mikucoins (Buy 100, get 200 free!)
4.Mikufest Bonus pack 3800 – ¥3800 ($35 USD / £28 GBP)
-100 Mikucoins (Buy 38, get 62 free!)
5.Mikufest Bonus pack 120 – ¥120 ($1 USD / £0.87 GBP
-5 Mikucoins (Buy 1, get 4 free!)
Note: you can only buy each of the above three packs once.
Although there haven’t been many updates, hopefully we can work hard and manage to collect all of the cards and clothing items! The second part of the event will be running until the 16th April 13:59 JST, so good luck playing it! Make sure to keep an eye on our social media pages so that you can find out when the next update is!
Thanks for reading!
Official Crypton Future Media Blog
Official Mikucolle Twitter (JP)
You can download Mikucolle on Android or iOS.
Translations for the dialogue which appears when you play your first quest for the Easter event:

- Melopi: Guys! It’s an emergency!
- Melopi: How!?
- Melopi: the Easter eggs have gone missing somewhere ~~!
- Melopi: ….
- Meiko: it’s an Easter egg hunt, so surely that’s okay though?
- Melopi: …….oh right.
- Melopi: …..
- Melopi: …it still isn’t okay though!
- Melopi: the chicks of the forest have! Gone inside eggs!
- Melopi: and just after that, they hid the eggs somewhere~!!
- Len: the chicks went INSIDE the eggs…
- Rin: and they went somewhere…
- Len: Can something like that even happen?
- Chick: *appears* – “cheep?”
- Rin: …..!
- Chick: “cheep chirp chirp” !!
- Len: …… apparently it CAN happen….
- Rin: th-that……
- Rin: ……scared me so much~~!! Argh!!
- Luka: well, I suppose in order to begin the egg hunt, we should…..
- Kaito: we need to find those eggs so that we can hide them, right?
- Rin: isn’t it a bit weird to find eggs for the sake of hiding them again?
- Miku: right! Let’s try our hardest to to find those eggs!!