Frolic Along the Sakura Road: Japanese Sweets Event, Part 2!

The second part of the newest sakura-themed event is in full swing in Mikucolle! Make sure to check out my first article if you’d like to catch up on what’s happened in part 1 of this event, or feel free to carry on reading if you’re already familiar with it!
(Update: and for info about the third part of this event, click here!)
※ You can also read my translations for the event dialogue (which appears when you play your first quest for the Easter event) at the end of this article!)

As well as the first set of quests (when you click on the purple banner with the trees), there is also a blue one at the top of the page:

The quests work in exactly the same as the ones for the purple banner, so if you need a refresh for how they work, you can quickly check what I said back in my previous article.
The only difference with these levels is that you’ll start to get blue gacha tickets instead of purple ones (you’ll also get some of those elusive yellow tickets by playing these levels). I’ll explain what the blue tickets are for in a moment!
※ Each time you clear a stage now, you’ll also be shown your “high score”. Anyone who gets enough points in the event will get a special card, so make sure you try to get to the higher levels and rack up those points! You can increase you high score by including any cards from the current sakura-themed gacha in your deck too! Usually it’s the top 100 highscorers who will get at least one copy of the prize card during these ranking competitions, so you’ll need a pretty strong team for this.
And here’s the card you can get from the rankings:
「春は、すぐそこ」/ “Haru wa, Sugusoko” (Spring is around the corner) – SSR+

Art by 秋吉 (Akiyoshi)
Skill: “Beating heart sakura”
New gacha for the event

The first three gacha all work in exactly the same way as the ones from the first part of the event so feel free to check out my previous article for more info (including to find out which cards are featured in said gacha).
– The fourth banner gives you a one-use-per-day free gacha! This gacha is one which gives each player the opportunity to do one “10 cards +1 extra” pull without paying anything! These free gacha have pretty good rates for SSRs and SSR+ cards, so don’t forget to try it out! Remember though: you can only play this gacha once per day, so make the most of this pull! This gacha will disappear after you use it, but will return at 12:00 AM JST each day.
Now for info about the new box gacha which was added!
Dark blue box gacha

Similar to the previous box gacha, on the screen shown above, you can view the first box from the box gacha. This is therefore box no. 1 out of 5, and each box has different items inside it. After box 1, you move onto box 2 which has a different featured item until you’ve got through all of them. So here’s what’s in each box:

- Box 1’s main item is the “Japanese Style Sweets MEIKO Hairstyle” (x11)
- Box 2’s main item is the “Japanese Style Sweets Miku Hairstyle” (x11)
- Box 3’s main item is the “Sakura Kinchaku” (Cherry blossom drawstring purse) (x19)
- Box 4’s main item is the “Japanese Style Sweets Outfit” (x11) which should be compatible with any of the boys you choose as your main character.
Box 5 contains a variety of building materials, Mikucoin shards (which are used to make Mikucoins), GP and “Eeru” points (which you can use for the “eeru” gacha at the very bottom of the gacha page, not shown in this article).

New backgrounds for your main page!
And to top it all off, if you click on the “Home” button in the bottom left corner of the main screen, you’ll find cool backgrounds you can use!

If you want to take a screenshot of your main screen like this, click on the camera icon on the main page:

That’s all the info I have for now! Please make sure to keep supporting Mikucolle until its final closure date, especially since the game development team have always done such an amazing job with it! This part of the event will be from 08/05/2020 until 18/05/2020, so make sure to enjoy it as much as possible!
Thanks for reading!
- Official Mikucolle Website
- Official Crypton Future Media Blog
- Official Mikucolle Twitter (JP)
- You can still download Mikucolle on Android or iOS.
Translations for the dialogue which appears when you play your first quest during this Hanami event:

- Nishiki-chan: …Melopi? (Note: Nishiki-chan is a fish who was featured in some of the previous Mikucolle events! I believe that she tends to reside on a different planet!
- Melopi: …
- Melopi: …..
- Melopi: …… Nishiki-chan?!
- Nishiki-chan: Wah!
- Nishiki-chan: So it really is you, Melopi! And everyone else!
- Nishiki-chan: Amazing! So we really did meet again!
- Melopi: Eh?! Ehhh?!
- Fox: What’s all this, then! Have you kids met before or sumthin’?
- Miku: That’s right! Nishiki-chan is our friend!
- Melopi: Nishiki-chan… what are you doing on this planet?!
- Nishiki-chan: Umm, well I’m not really sure myself actually…
- Nishiki-chan: When I was in the river, I saw this singular pink flower…
- Nishiki-chan: Ah, and then I found out that the flower was sakura (cherry blossom).
- Nishiki-chan: I found myself wanting to go and see the sakura with you, Melopi…
- Nishiki-chan: I kept thinking about that, and I kept swimming along.
- Melopi: …I see
- Nishiki-chan: So that’s what happened, I guess.
- Nishiki-chan: And before I knew it, I ended up here!
- Melopi: Ehhhh?!
- Melopi: But there’s not… supposed to be a Stargate in the middle of the river…
- Melopi: Hmm~~
- Melopi: How come the river on your planet is connected to this place then…?
- Nishiki-chan: I don’t really know much about these kind of complex things, I’m afraid…
- Nishiki-chan: With you, Melopi… um… I kinda already said it but…
- Meiko: Is it about going to view the cherry blossoms?
- Nishiki-chan: Yes!
- Nishiki-chan: When it comes to cherry blossom viewing, it’s… something that I’ve always dreamed of doing while I was swimming in that river.
- Nishiki-chan: And then I was able to meet you, Melopi, surrounded by all of these cherry blossom trees!
- Melopi: Nishiki-chan…
- Kaito: This is quite the curious situation indeed~
- Len: It looks like Nishiki-chan’s wish finally came true, huh!
- Rin: I’m so glad!
- Luka: Perhaps the God of Cherry Blossoms heard your wish!
- Miku: The God of Cherry Blossoms, huh?
- Meiko: I suppose she means the Great Cherry Blossom God~
- Tanuki: That’s right. It could be possible that all of you managed to beckon the Great Cherry Blossom God to this planet!
- Fox: That means that this year will be a huge success!
- Melopi: I…
- Melopi: I’ve also always wanted to go cherry blossom viewing with you, Nishiki-chan!
- Melopi: And that’s why…
- Nishiki-chan: Fufu, are you going to make that a promise, Melopi?
- Melopi: Mhm!
- Melopi: It’ll be a bit of an odd cherry blossom viewing session though… (by this, I think Melopi is referring to how the player’s cherry blossom viewing in the game consists of beating up baddies to earn tickets, and Melopi and the gang always join in with these excursions!)
- Nishiki-chan: There’s nothing wrong with it being a little “odd”!
- Nishiki-chan: Well, I’m putting my faith in you to be my cherry blossom viewing guide, okay? Melopi!
- Melopi: Right then, let’s go–!!
2 Responses
[…] (Update: And for coverage of part 2 of this event, you can follow this link here!) […]
[…] Japanese Sweets Event, Part 2 (From 08/05/2020) […]