Indulge in the Beauty of Japanese Sweets With Mikucolle!

I’m very pleased to announce that newest event on Mikucolle has begun, and it’s based around traditional Japanese sweets and Hanami (cherry blossom viewing).
※ Just before I begin, I feel that I should mention that this will be one of the last events for the game prior to its closure, so please work your hardest to collect as much as you can during this time!
So, without further ado… let’s take a look at what’s going on!
(Update: And for coverage of part 2 of this event, you can follow this link here!)

Note: You can also read my translations for the event dialogue (which appears when you play your first quest for the Easter event) at the end of this article!
When you go into the “Quests” (クエスト) section of the game, you’ll be able to find this cute pink banner:

“The cherry blossom path colours your memories”
Complete quests to get Mikucoins as well as purple and yellow gacha tickets (I’ll explain how to us these later). If you want to get even more tickets, you can check out the “Missions” (ミッション) section of the game from the main screen.

- Completing the event levels without having to revive yourself
- Defeating a certain amount of normal bosses
- Completing levels without using a magical item
For this event, since all of the enemies tend to be water-type ones, I’d recommend making a deck full of as many leaf-type cards as possible, so that your attacks are more effective.
New gacha for this event

Of course, there are plenty of cool new gacha available to play too!
– The first banner shows the first gacha available, which has only one option to play with. It’s one requiring 50 “paid” Mikucoins. “Paid” Mikucoins are ones which you’d usually get by buying packs in the online store, but since you can’t actually buy any of said packs anymore due to the game closing down in June, you can only play this gacha if you have enough “Paid” Mikucoins leftover from before. When you try the gacha,「有償 」will tell you the amount of “paid” Mikucoins you have, while 「無償 」 will tell how how many “normal” ones there are. For this gacha, you’re guaranteed to get at least 10 SSR cards or higher, plus one SSR+ card, which is super cool! To make this even better, all cards you get in this gacha will also come with their levels and rank maxed out!
– For the second gacha down, you have exactly the same system, except that for 25 “paid” Mikucoins, you’ll get at least 10 cards which are SR or higher, as well as one guaranteed SSR card! Again, all cards you get should come with their levels and ranks maxed out.
– The third gacha in the list gives us three interesting ways to play depending on how many Mikucoins you have:
- The first button on the far left of the gacha gives you a one card pull, and it will cost 3 Mikucoins. This part of the gacha can be used only once a day.
- The middle button gives you a one pull gacha too, but you can play it as many times each day as you want. However, this middle one costs 5 Mikucoins per pull. As well as by using Mikucoins, if you have a regular golden gacha ticket, you can use that for the same middle button too (for one pull).
- Lastly, we have the third option, which gives you 10 cards plus one extra in one pull, so it’s the best value for money. You should get at least one SSR with this gacha, and it costs 50 Mikucoins.
– And finally, the fourth banner gives you a one-time-only free gacha! This gacha is one which gives each player the opportunity to do one “10 cards +1 extra” pull without paying anything! These free gacha have pretty good rates for SSRs and SSR+ cards, so don’t forget to try it out! Remember though: you can only play this gacha once, so make the most of this pull!
For the gacha listed above, these are the main featured cards you’ll be aiming to get:
「儚く美しいうららかな春」/ “Hakanaku Utsukushii Urarakana Haru” (A fleetingly beautiful and cheerful Spring) – SSR+

Art by かも仮面 (Kamo kamen)
Skill: “Cherished Spring Sakura”
「春を迎える桜衣」 / “Haru wo Mukaeru Sakuragoromo” (Welcoming Spring with Sakura clothes) – SSR+

Art by やすも (Yasumo)
Skill: “Pink sakura jump!”
「ひらひら 桜ミク 舞ver.」/ “Hirahira Sakura Miku Mai ver.” (Fluttering Sakura Miku, Dancing ver.) – SSR

Art by まご (mago)
Skill: “Late Blooming Sakura”
「ひとひら桜ミク グルメver」/ “Hirahira Sakura Miku Gourmet Ver.” (Fluttering Sakura Miku, Gourmet ver) – SSR

Art by まご (mago)
Skill: “Time for Sakura”
Now I have some info about the new box gacha which were added!
Purple box gacha

Similar to previous box gacha, on this screen you can view the first box from the box gacha. This is therefore box no.1 out of 5, and each box has different items inside it. For this first box gacha, each box only has one type of item, making the process way quicker than normal! After box 1, you move onto box 2 which has a different item until you’ve got through all of them. So here’s what’s in each box:

- Box 1’s main item is the “Japanese Style Sweets Rin Hairstyle” (x11)
- Box 2’s main item is the “Japanese Style Sweets Len Hairstyle” (x11)
- Box 3’s main item is the “Cherry” (x19)
- Box 4’s main item is the “Japanese Style Sweets Dress” (x11) which should be compatible with any of the girls you choose as your main character.
Box 5 contains a variety of building materials, Mikucoin shards (which are used to make Mikucoins), GP and “Eeru” points (which you can use for the “eeru” gacha at the very bottom of the gacha page, not shown in this article).

Yellow box gacha

This box gacha only has one box, making it far simpler to get what you want for the available items! Here are the featured cards inside it:
「心安らぐ日本伝統の桜」/ “Kokoro Yasuraku Nihon Dentou no Sakura” (The Japanese tradition of Sakura which let you feel at ease) – SSR+

Art by ボルボネ (Borubone)
Skill: “The peaceful smell of Spring”
「桜舞うお花見カフェ」/ “Sakura Mau O-hanami Cafe” (Fluttering Sakura Cherry Blossom Viewing Café) – SSR+

Art by 綿 / Men (Attaka Taoru Men)
Skill: “Gentle Spring-coloured Sakura Sweets”
「春を彩る可憐な桜」/ “Haru wo Irodoru Karen na Sakura” (Decorating Spring with adorable Sakura) – SSR

Art by 青紅 (Ao Beni)
Skill: “Enveloped in the smell of cherry blossoms”
「桜の季節到来」/ “Sakura no Kisetsu Tourai” (Arrival of cherry blossom season) – SSR

Art by 鉄人桃子 (te2momo)
Skill: “Let’s look at the cherry blossoms together!”
That’s all the info I have for now! Please make sure to keep supporting Mikucolle until its final closure date, especially since the game development team have always done such an amazing job with it!
Thanks for reading!
- Official Mikucolle Website
- Official Crypton Future Media Blog
- Official Mikucolle Twitter (JP)
- You can still download Mikucolle on Android or iOS.
Translations for the dialogue which appears when you first open the game during this Hanami event:

- Miku: Just as expected…
- Kaito: Things couldn’t be more “Spring-like” if they tried.
- Rin: Don’t forget about how good Easter is too though!
- Len: But there weren’t any cherry blossoms then!
- Luka: These cherry blossoms really are a sight to see…!
- Meiko: I was somewhat busy this year, so I didn’t get the chance to go cherry blossom viewing properly yet.
- Miku: So you’re glad that we came al the way to the Cherry Blossom Planet then!
- Melopi: Ahem! (Clearing his throat to get attention)
- Meiko: well aren’t you looking smug today.
- Rin: It’s probably because we came to the Cherry Blossom Planet in one trip thanks to Melopi’s Stargate!
- Len: You should probably show him some gratitude
- Melopi: Ahem!
- Meiko: … okay already.
- Luka: Fufu.
- Tanuki: Yo, guests! Long time no see!
- Fox: Spring is in full swing and the cherry blossoms are blooming nicely, making this a superbly good time for you to come!
- Miku: Ahhhh! It’s so nice to see you all again!
- Meiko: You all look well!
- Tanuki: It’s all thanks to you lot! You little rascals seem far more mature than when I last saw ya.
- Fox: Well, if we’re comparing them to how they were before… I suppose so.
- Tanuki: At the evening cherry blossom festival, giant cherry blossom petals hid everything, and we were wondering what to do about it.
- Fox: Comparing this year to that tumultuous year… this year is far calmer!
- Fox: But just when the day turned to night, there was a large meteor shower
- Tanuki: And a rather dispirited yet boisterous talking fish jumped out of the river!
- Melopi: A meteor shower…
- Luka: A talking fish…?
- Fox: What is it? There somethin’ you know about this whole thing?
- Melopi: You said that … there was a rather large meteor shower in the sky of this planet…?
- Meiko: more importantly, Melosuke, by “talking fish”, could they mean…?
- Melopi: Could they mean?
- Meiko: Ahh, nevermind! Anyway! Let’s just get going already!
- Melopi: Eh, ehh?
- Luka: Mhm. It’s the season for the huge cherry blossoms to be in full bloom, after all… it wouldn’t be weird for some sort of mysterious entity to awaken or something.
- Miku: Right then! Le~t’s go!
- Melopi: Eh? ehh?
- Rin: You never know what might happen!
- Len: Maybe, just maybe something interesting might happen!
- Kaito: Right, we’d best head off quickly then..!
2 Responses
[…] second part of the newest sakura-themed event is in full swing in Mikucolle! Make sure to check out my first article if you’d like to catch up on what’s happened in part 1 of thi…, or feel free to carry on reading if you’re already familiar with […]
[…] Japanese Sweets Event, Part 1 (From 30/04/2020) […]