Kizuna Akari LINE Stickers by Sameanko Now Available

Here are some new Kizuna Akari LINE Stickers to join the Yuzuki Yukari ones released just two weeks ago! This time, the cute artwork comes courtesy of さめあんこ / Sameanko, an artist responsible for popularizing the “shark Akari” trend!
Find the stickers on the LINE Shop here!
Sticker Explanation
Here are short explanations on what Akari is saying or doing in the stickers with text so that you can know when best to use them!

1. “Thank you!!”
2. “Congratulations!!”
3. “OK”
4. “NG” (meaning “no good”)

5. “Hello”
6. “What should I do?”
7. “Nice to meet you! / Please treat me well!”
8. “I’m sorry.”

9. *sob sob*
10. !!
11. “Good night…”
12. [giving up the ghost]

13. ??
14. “Yes!”
15. “So happy❤”
16. *grin*

17. “Roger!”
18. “Nice to meet you. / Please treat me well. / I leave it to you.”
19. “Uploaded!”
20. “Upotsu / Thank you, uploader!”

21. “I was shown something magnificent”
22. “Thank you, God”
23. “My money…”
24. “Take care”

25. “Seconds, please!”
26. *bursting into sprint*
27. “Why~”
28. [serious face]

29. “You called for me?”
30. –
31. *snarl*
32. –