Stardust Folding Fan from MOEYU

Hot off the heels of their previous Stardust merchandise announcement, MOEYU now brings us the Stardust folding fan! It’s expected to be released on June 6th, perfect timing for the hot days of summer ahead of us.
Promotional illustrations were provided by 唐不可 / Tángbùkě and 匙 / Shi.

Fan Details
※ All translations are unofficial
- Product page:
- Product name: 星尘・星之轨迹折扇 / Stardust – Trail of Stars Folding Fan
- Price: ¥90 RMB
※ Special price of ¥42 RMB available on May 5 - Expected release: June 6th, 2020 at 12:00 AM (CST)
- Brand: 萌羽 / MOEYU
- Product type: traditional folding fan
- Printing process: color printing, bronzing
- Number of fan sticks: 25
- Material: artificial silk, bamboo, metal (pendant)
- Folded length: about 210mm
- Expanded length: about 380mm
- Tassel length: about 80mm
- Features: Stardust’s name and colors, star pattern, star pendant on the handle

See our previous coverage of MOEYU’s VOCALOID products here!