Sato Sasara, Tohoku Kiritan, IA & ONE Receive Nominations in 34th Vector ProRegi Awards

The 34th Vector ProRegi Awards are back for their biannual run! This time, they are accepting votes for the best computer software released during the first half of 2020, be they new products or returning products with new offers.
Voice Synth Nominees
Here are the three nominations for the Best Creator Tool category!
CeVIO Sato Sasara Talk Starter

VOICEROID+ Tohoku Kiritan EX Download Version
ARIA Talk Voice Standalone Version
How to Vote
To cast your vote for the product that you would most like to see win, first find and click on the green button that says 投票する! (Vote!) in their box on the nominee page.

In the page that pops up:
A: Enter your nickname
B: Enter your comment
C: Click コメントを寄せる (Submit comment) to confirm

And with that, your vote is cast!
Voting Period: July 30, 2020 at 3:00 PM (JST) ~ August 13, 2020 at 3:00 PM (JST)
Results Announcement: August 20, 2020
You may vote for as many products as you like, but you can vote for each product only once. ※Any additional votes for the same product will be invalid votes.
Your comment that you submit when voting will be compiled on Vector PC and each respective software makers’ websites, and may get published online.
Remember to cast your vote(s) for your favorite product by 3:00 PM (JST) on August 13, 2020! Best of luck to all the nominees and their makers!
1 Response
[…] is now open, and will close on August 13 at 3:00 PM (JST). See our report here for details on how to place your vote for her and any nominee of your […]