YANHE and Luo Tianyi 2020 Birthday Albums

It’s more than just Bilibili collaboration themes and tons of merchandise that are coming for YANHE’s 7th and Luo Tianyi’s 8th anniversaries; each of the Vsingers will be getting a new album as well! Come learn about how you can feast your ears as well as your eyes during their birthdays!
YANHE’s EP 《白日梦》

First will come YANHE’s new EP titled “白日梦 / Báirì Mèng (Daydream).” We previously knew that she would getting a new album, and even got listen to one of the new songs, but now their full titles and artists have been revealed! A crossfade trailer will even be uploaded online when it is released on NetEase Music.
It was also announced that the song 甜度71.1% / Tián Dù 71.1% (Sweetness 71.1%) will be getting a full PV uploaded online at exactly 7:11 PM (CST)! Yes, that’s a lots of 7’s and 11’s!
Release on NetEase Music: July 11, 2020 at 12:00 PM (CST)
Price: ¥8 RMB
Purchase link: https://music.163.com/#/album?id=92133579
Crossfade: https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV15z411v77C
Video credit: Kin_en
Supervisor: 人形兎 / Rosary
Tracklist (※All translations and transliterations are unofficial):
01.《梦太躁》/ Mèng Tài Zào (Dreams are Impatient)
Lyrics: 冥凰 / Míng Huáng
Music: litterzy
Tuning: Creuzer
Illustration: 鱼酥子soko
02.《甜度71.1%》/ Tián Dù 71.1% (Sweetness 71.1%)
Lyrics: 初繁言 / Chū Fán Yán
Music: 味素 / Aginomoto
Tuning: Creuzer
Illustration: 唯Tu / Wei Tu, SumEry
Full PV now available!
Watch here: https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1yD4y1S7vt
MV: Kin_en
Production & supervision: 人形兎 / Rosary

03.《都市交流电》/ Dūshì Jiāoliúdiàn (City Alternating Current)
Lyrics: key-光玉 / Key-guāngyù
Music: iKzzz-Kuliner
Tuning: 科林 / Colin
Illustration: 黑岛Hidor
04.《化作星火》/ Huàzuò Xīnghuǒ (Becoming Sparks)
Lyrics: 瞳荧 / Tóng Yíng
Music: 盖盖Nyan~ / Gàigài Nyan~
Tuning: 棉花特别猛 / Miánhuā Tèbié Měng
Illustration: 灯and深蓝杰克 / Dēng and Shēnlán Jiékè
Tianyi’s Album《Moments》

Along with her merch, Tianyi also announced that she will be getting a brand new album on her 2020 birthday entitled “Moments.” It, too, will be getting a crossfade trailer uploaded online for it when it is released on NetEase Music.
Release on NetEase Music: July 12, 2020 at 12:00 PM (CST)
Price: ¥16 RMB
Purchase link: https://music.163.com/#/payfee?songId=1461644515
Crossfade: https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1kK4y1s7Dd
Video credit: Kin_en
Supervisor: 人形兎 / Rosary
Tracklist (※All translations and transliterations are unofficial):
01.《万分之一的光》/ Wàn Fēn Zhī Yī de Guāng (1/10,000 Light)
Lyrics, music, arrangement: ChiliChill
Tuning: 动点P / DòngDiǎnP
PV is now available!
Watch here: https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1Tp4y1S7cu

02.《深蓝雨》/ Shēnlán Yǔ (Deep Blue Rain)
Lyrics, music, arrangement, tuning: COP
Tuning: 动点P / DòngDiǎnP
04.《专有秘密》/ Zhuānyǒu Mìmì (Proprietary Secret)
Lyrics: 果汁凉菜 / Guǒzhī Liángcài
Music, arrangement: 纯白 / Chún Bái
Tuning: 无形歌无形 / Wúxíng gē Wúxíng
05.《风的祈求者》/ Fēng de Qíqiúzhě (Invoker of the Wind)
Lyrics: 沈病娇 / Chén Bìng Jiāo
Music, arrangement, tuning: 花之祭P / Huā zhī Jì P
06.《玫瑰色请柬》/ Méiguī Sè Qǐngjiǎn (Rose-Colored Invitation)
Lyrics: 南岐 / Nán Qí
Music, arrangement: 希望索任合资 / Xīwàng Suǒrèn Hézī
07.《又见月光光》/ Yòu Jiàn Yuèguāngguāng (Seeing the Moon Again)
Lyrics: 冥凰 / Míng Huáng
Music: 银临Rachel
Arrangement: 盖盖Nyan~ / Gàigài Nyan~
Tuning: 棉花特别猛 / Miánhuā Tèbié Měng
08.《无由无用无穷》/ Wúyóu Wúyòng Wúqióng (Pointless, Useless, Endless)
Lyrics, music, arrangement, tuning: JUSF周存
Make sure to pick up these albums and make YANHE and Tianyi’s birthdays a feast for the ears and eyes!
Luo Tianyi