Vsinger Live 2020 Announced

Fans have been waiting for it, and here it is! Vsinger Live 2020 will be coming August 21, and online at that!
Official Trailer
Watch the trailer for Vsinger Live 2020 in this post from Luo Tianyi’s official Weibo or on its official site!

Concert Details
Date & Time: August 21 at 8:00 PM (CST)
Performers: Luo Tianyi, YANHE, Yuezheng Ling, Yuezheng Longya, Zhiyu Moke, Mo Qingxian
Platform: Youku
Promotional art by TID

How to Watch
If you do not have an account Youku, register here: https://account.youku.com/register.htm
In the first screen, enter:
1) Your country code
2) Your cell phone number
3) Click on 获取验证码 (get verification code)
4) Enter your verification code
5) Click on 同意协议并注册 (Agree to terms and register)

In the following screen, enter:
1) Country code
2) Cell phone number
3) Preferred password
4) Re-enter preferred password
5) Click on 获取验证码 (Get verification code) and enter the code sent to your phone within 60 seconds
6) Check to agree to their terms
7) Click on 注册 (Register)
7a: Click and drag the arrows all the way to the right
7b: Enter the generated code

After you have finished registering, visit the livestream page here
If you do not have VIP membership, click on where it says 立即开通 (Open now)

Choose your VIP membership fee option:
Yearly VIP: ¥198 RMB
Half-year VIP: ¥108 RMB
Continuous monthly VIP: ¥6 RMB
Quarterly VIP: ¥56 RMB
Then scan the provided QR code with your phone, and proceed to pay with the Alipay or WeChat apps

Youku has also revealed miniature chibi figures for the Vsingers that are now open for pre-order at a special discount before Vsinger Live 2020!
Product name: 2020 Vsinger Live Performance “Waiting in the Wings” Series Blind Box Set (unofficial translation)
Size: about 10cm in height
Amount of figures: 6 per box
Material: PVC
Discounted price: ¥ 331 RMB (regular price will be ¥414 RMB after August 21)
In addition to the six Vsingers, there is also one mystery design! That makes for a total of seven different figures, but since you can only get six random ones per box (no duplicates), you’ll have to either purchase a second box or trade for the last figure with someone else who has the figure that you’re lacking.

**UPDATE ON AUGUST 6, 2020**
Setlist Hints
Now Youku has announced that part of the setlist for Vsinger Live 2020 will be revealed on August 7, and provided these illustrations by TID that hint at what they are!
Those who have guesses and Weibo accounts can forward the below source post for the illustrations with their guesses in order to be entered into a lottery drawing so some prizes!
Source: https://weibo.com/2543039024/JeGZC9Vlo
**UPDATE ON AUGUST 7, 2020**
Youku has now uploaded a video revealing all the songs that were hinted at in the illustrations!

Watch the video here and see what songs it reveals below: https://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNDc4NjIyNTc4OA==.html
※all translations and transliterations are unofficial)
万分之一的光 / Wànfēn zhī Yī de Guāng (1/10,000 Light) feat. Luo Tianyi
繁华唱遍 / Fánhuá Chàngbiàn (Flourishing Singing) feat. Yuezheng Ling
你好,世界! / Nǐhǎo, Shìjiè! (Hello, World!) feat. Zhiyu Moke
闲花白 / Xián Huā Bái (Wildflower White) feat. Mo Qingxian
穿越黑夜 / Chuānyuè Hēiyè (Through the Night) feat. Yuezheng Longya
冠世一战 / Guānshì Yīzhàn (Crown World War I) feat. YANHE
前尘如梦 / Qiánchén Rú Mèng (The Past is Like a Dream) feat. Luo Tianyi
狂徒 / Kuángtú (Fanatic) feat. YANHE & Yuezheng Longya
白石溪 / Báishí Xī (White Stone Creek) feat. Luo Tianyi & Yuezheng Ling
Stay tuned as more songs get revealed!
**UPDATE ON AUGUST 12, 2020**
For those who wish they could cheer on their favorite Vsingers at the concert hall, Youku now has a way for you to show your support digitally:

Starting on August 17, 2020 at 12:00 PM (CST), those with Weibo accounts can make a post with the hashtags #我想去打call# & #vsinger live# for the chance to see their message shown during the concert, and possibly even win some prizes!
Your post can contain:
1. A 10-sec video shout-out to your favorite Vsinger
2. A message or short story about your feelings for & experiences with the Vsingers
3. Singing/Dancing/Cosplay/etc., your own unique way of cheering them on during the show!
4. Photos of your Vsinger merchandise collection
5. Description of what the #Vsinger characters are in your mind/heart

The account with the post that gets the most likes and comments will receive a mystery prize!
Accounts with the top 2nd-4th place posts will receive a gift bag
And finally, accounts with the top 5th-10th place posts will receive a commemorative photo set!

Source: https://weibo.com/2543039024/JfyEs24fl
**UPDATE ON AUGUST 14, 2020**
A new trailer is up! Watch it here on Youku!
Or watch it below on Tianyi’s official Twitter!
Vsinger Live 2020 is just a few weeks away, and we’ll update if any more merchandise or other news is announced!
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[…] Our previous report on Vsinger Live 2020 […]