Techno-Speech Creates “A・NA・TA for DREAM” Arashi Song Generator for the HELLO NEW DREAM. PROJECT

As we eagerly await the release of CeVIO AI, the software’s creator, Techno-Speech, Inc., continues to roll out entertaining voice synth project for fans. For instance, the “A・NA・TA for DREAM” song generator for the HELLO NEW DREAM. PROJECT has been made available for fans to try out online, creating songs out of synthesized voices for members of Arashi! Read on to learn how to try it out for yourself!
The HELLO NEW DREAM. PROJECT is a project sponsored by no less than 13 different companies to encourage people to follow their dreams, or create brand new ones to fulfill. Their theme is “夢だけ持ったっていいでしょ? (It’s okay if we only have our dreams, right?)” which comes from the song A・RA・SHI, the debut single of the Japanese idol group, 嵐 / Arashi.
Below, you can watch the Arashi members talk about their childhood dreams, and introduce the new project!
You can also follow the HELLO NEW DREAM. PROJECT by visiting their official website, following their Twitter account, subscribing to their YouTube channel, and by searching the hashtags #夢だけ持ったっていいでしょ and #HELLONEWDREAM on Twitter!
How to Use A・NA・TA for DREAM
A・NA・TA for DREAM is the name of the new song generator developed by Techno-Speech that recreates Arashi’s singing voices in order to sing your own created lyrics, and even your name!
The tool uses the song A・RA・SHI, and inserts lyrics that convey what your dream is right into the song, all while being sung by Arashi’s synthesized voices! You can watch it in action below!
Looks cool, right? Then here’s how to give it a go!
First, access A・NA・TA for DREAM by opening the webpage below and scanning the QR code shown using your mobile device, or scanning it below.

Once you do, tap on はじめる (“start”) on your mobile device. Then check the box that says 参加・応募規約に同意する (“Agree to the participation and application rules”), and tap on START.
On the next page, you can listen to the song A・RA・SHI, or tap on NEXT to continue. On the following page, you can listen to each Arashi member’s own generated verse describing their own individuals dreams.
When you are ready to proceed, tap on 自分の夢でつくってみる (“Create using your own dream”)
Step 1: Enter Your Dream
On the next page, you may freely enter what your own personal dream is. Please note that:
- You can only enter it in hiragana or katakana
- It must be between 8 to 16 characters long
Below, you can see an example that we created that goes さいこうのボカロブログつくりたい (“We want to make the best VOCALOID blog!”).
Hit NEXT when you are ready for the next step.
Step 2: Enter Your Name
Now you can enter your name (or any name that you want Arashi to sing as the song’s title). Please note:
- You must enter the name in hiragana only
- It must be between 2 and 6 characters long
Below, you can see us entering ぼかすふぃあ (how “VocaSphere” is pronounced in Japanese) which the tool generated into romaji (BO・KA・SU・FU・I・A) for us.
Step 3: Confirmation
Check to make sure that the lyrics and the name are what you want, and then hit RECORDING!

In the final step, you enter:
- 1. Your age
- 2. Your gender (first option is male, second option is female)
- 3. Where you live
※If you live outside of Japan, the very bottom of the list is where you can find the option 海外 (“overseas”) - 4. Optional: write about your dream, such as what made you decide to aim for it, when you started having it, what you have done to make it come true, when you wish to fulfill it, etc.
And when you are all set, tap 次に進む (“Proceed to the next step”)
And now it’s time! Hit the play button and listen to your masterpiece!
You’ll notice that the name you entered will be in the title “[ ] FOR DREAM” and will also be sung!

If anyone is interested in hearing what we came up with, you can listen to our songs below!
And here’s another one we came up with for fun!
(※せかいのネギがぜんぶたべたい = I want to eat all the leeks in the world)
We hope you enjoy using A・NA・TA for DREAM! Look forward to more from Techno-Speech like maybe an Arashi voice bank for CeVIOAI !