MEDIUM5 2021 Desk Calendar Coming Soon

Ready for 2021? Quadimension sure is, and can help you get ready for the new year with their 2021 desk calendar featuring artwork of the MEDIUM5 sisters! Enjoy a different album or song MV illustration each month from one of their talented artists!
Price: ¥40 RMB
Size: 25.5 cm x 19 cm
Release date: End of October 2020
Pre-order on the poduct page here!

Illustrators: Hanasa, ATDAN, TOMATO, 匙, Lirseven, 大汉JAX
Design: AMoZoe
Typesetting: 大♂古

Artwork preview

The amount of 2021 calendars will be fewer compared to previous years, so make sure to quickly place your order if you really want to get one!
And if you’d even more products featuring the beautiful album art, consider pre-ordering Quadimenion’s new postcard set as well!
3 Responses
[…] if you’re still craving MEDIUM5 sisters art, then consider pre-ordering Quadimenion’s 2021 calendar with even more for you to […]
[…] si todavía anhelas el arte de las hermanas MEDIUM5, entonces considera reservar el calendario 2021 de Quadimension con aún más para que […]
[…] Fuente: VocaSphere […]