Yuzuki Yukari Official Stickers by sameanko Now Available

Thanks to the artist さめあんこ / Sameanko and VOCALOMAKETS, we now have a new set of 32 LINE stamps featuring Yuzuki Yukari! These stickers cost 50 LINE coins (or whatever currency is relevant to your location) and are available worldwide. These stamps can be used alongside the Kizuna Akari LINE stickers (also from Sameanko), for even more fun with sending messages!
Find the stickers on the LINE Shop below:
…or type in “Yuzuki Yukari” into the search bar in the LINE sticker store on the app:

Note: Make sure to click on the “Creators” tab to find the sticker pack!
Sticker Explanations
Here are short explanations on what Yukari is saying or doing in the stickers with text so that you can know when best to use them:

1. Good evening~
2. “No~”/ “I don’t wanna~” (having a mini tantrum on the floor and flailing her arms)
3. Let’s do our best!
4. Thank God/ thank the lord! (Extreme gratefulness)

5. *pouting face* / slightly dubious
6. Amazing…!
7. I made a new post! (e.g. a post on social media, a blog post etc)
8. Th- this can’t be [true]…

9. I’ll leave it to you / I look forward to working with you etc.
10. ? ?
11. Fight! (Do your best!)
12. I’ll check it / I’m checking it (e.g emails/messages/a link someone sent to you)

13. Right! [let’s do this!]
14. *smug look* (pushing up glasses)
15. Ehh~?! (super shocked)
16. I will use that as a reference [for the future] / I will keep that in mind for the future

17. *snobbish laugh*
18. Congratulations!
19. If it’s money you need, I have some right here
20. Oi!

21. Wait!
22. I’m waiting / I’ll wait
23. *smiling*
24. *guilty/unsure/sorry face*

25. Nice!
26. !!! (shocked)
27. *swaying from side to side*
28. *noises of a UFO abducting a cow* (you know what this kind thing sounds like, right?? You’ve all seen Sci-Fi movies and stuff, right??)

29. Thank you
30. *stares~*
31. Well done
32. *very excited/happy*