Yuzuki Yukari’s Voidol Available to Download Now!

Many were surprised when Yuzuki Yukari joined Cevio AI‘s list of voicebanks, but VOCALOMAKETS didn’t stop there and surprised the vocal synth community once again by announcing Yuzuki Yukari’s voice model for Voidol, a realtime AI voice changer! As if that’s not enough, they also said that Kizuna Akari’s voice model is coming soon as well!

For people wondering what Voidol is:
Voidol is AI voice conversion application which converts your voice into the character’s voice like a cute girl or a handsome man in real-time. Voidol for Mac App Store won #1 in the Paid Apps category after its release.
Voidol is now available for Windows as Ver.1.0.1 and additional voice conversion models can be installed into the application.
In the application, three voice conversion models have been installed (Otomiya Iroha -Female, Crimmzoh -Boy, Kanade Minato -Male). Additional voice conversion models will be released soon.
For high-quality conversion, we recommend that you use the application with Audio Interface and microphone. We hope you enjoy making various creative contents such as Vtuber (YouTube distributor with CG characters).
Simply put, Voidol works by using your voice as the input and then the software converts it to voice model of your choice. You can choose your input voice from Male 1, Male 2, Female 1, Female 2.
However, to increase that variation, Crimson Technology Inc. had the VOCALOMAKETS’ members cooperate with them for more input voices to choose from, so here they are!
- Male 1: Bumpy Urushii …. low voice range input
- Male 2: KagomeP …. high voice range input
- Male 3: Ibushi Ginji …. middle voice range input
- Male 4: ChomP …. very low voice range input
※ The voice range is for reference only
Other than the standalone version, Voidol’s Plugin package is also available. This package includes Voidol’s VST version that can work as VST effect plugin for your DAW and the standalone version. (Standalone VST version is not available for sale).

In the future, VOCALOMAKETS is planning to show its use through VOCALOMAKETS’ official livestream or VOCALOMAKETS members’ personal account, however they hope that everyone can use this to make playthrough videos and many more.
In the meantime, some people have got their hands on Voidol and posted their results on twitter – here are two of them!
From this we can see that Voidol will work differently from one person to another – we see that Haniwa struggled to get Yukari’s voice while Kasamura Tota not only managed to sound just like Yukari, but also spoke fluently in her voice.
You can purchase Voidol from Amazon (Yuzuki Yukari’s Voice Model | Voidol | Voidol Plugin package) or Rakuten Books (Yuzuki Yukari’s Voice Model | Voidol | Voidol Plugin package)