MEDIUM⁵ Album “海纳百川Storybook” Available for Pre-order

The newest album to feature the MEDIUM⁵ sisters, 海纳百川Storybook, is now officially available for pre-order! This time, we were granted with the storybook theme presented by Stardust, Shian and Haiyi.
Expected release of the album is December 20th, 2020.
Watch the crossfade here!

※All translations and transliterations of staff names and song titles below are unofficial
Music, arrangement: Evalia, PoKeR, 磁带君 / Cí Dài Jūn, 星辉 / Xīng Huī, papaw泡泡, 公兔 / Gōng Tù, MeLo, KIDE, Zeno
Lyrics: Evalia, 杏花包子 / Xinghua Baozi, 大♂古 / Dà ♂Gǔ, 大九_N / Daiku, 芍杳Shiu, 公兔 / Gōng Tù, 绿邪 / Lǜ Xié, Ddickky, Zeno
Tuning: 瑞安Ryan, 奶油蘑菇 / Kinoko, 折v / Ori v, 坐标P / ZuòbiāoP
Mix, mastering: 哈密瓜 / Hāmìguā (Track 6)
Illustrators: Hanasa, 原子Dan, 青梅丨plumw, Leiq雷, 匙 / Shi, November, 影依望远镜 / Yǐng yī Wàngyuǎnjìng, -REDUM-, 大汉JAX, 枫叶 / Maple
Art director: Hanasa
Cover illustrators: Hanasa & 原子Dan
Logo design: 烧老啾 / Shāo Lǎo Jiū
Typesetting: 大♂古 / Dà ♂Gǔ
Motion art production: EDR
Producer: Ddickky


1. 蜜药 / Mì Yào (Honey Medicine)
Vocals: Stardust, Shian, Haiyi
Music, arrangement, & lyrics: Evalia
Tuning: 瑞安Ryan

2. 可乐啪啦啪 (cola palapa)
Vocals: Shian
Music, arrangement: PoKeR
Lyrics: 杏花包子 / Xinghua Baozi
Tuning: 奶油蘑菇 / Kinoko
Illustration: 青梅丨plumw

3. Stranded Siren – 搁浅的塞壬
Vocals: Haiyi
Music, arrangement: 磁带君 / Cí Dài Jūn
Lyrics: 大♂古 / Dà ♂Gǔ
Tuning: 折v / Ori v
Illustration: Leiq雷

4. 墨恋仙 / Mò Liàn Xiān (Ink Love Fairy)
Vocals: Stardust & Shian
Music, arrangement: 星辉 / Xīng Huī
Lyrics: 大九_N / Daiku
Tuning: 瑞安Ryan
Illustration: 匙 / Shi

5. 一剪人间客 / Yī Jiǎn Rénjiān Kè (One Cut Human Guest)
Vocals: Stardust & Haiyi
Music, arrangement: papaw泡泡
Lyrics: 芍杳Shiu
Tuning: 瑞安Ryan
Illustration: November

6. 海底 / Hǎidǐ (Seabed)
Vocals: Haiyi
Music, arrangement, lyrics: 公兔 / Gōng Tù
Tuning: 瑞安Ryan
Illustration: 影依望远镜 / Yǐng yī Wàngyuǎnjìng
Mixing, mastering: 哈密瓜 / Hāmìguā

7. 百里芭蕉百里花 / Bǎilǐ Bājiāo Bǎilǐhuā (Hundred Leagues of Musa Basjoo Thyme Flowers)
Vocals: Haiyi & Shian
Music, arrangement: MeLo
Lyrics: 绿邪 / Lǜ Xié
Tuning: 瑞安Ryan
Illustration: -REDUM-

8. 零和Zero-Sum
Vocal: Stardust
Music, arrangement: KIDE
Lyrics: 大♂古 / Dà ♂Gǔ, Ddickky
Tuning: 瑞安Ryan
Illustration: 大汉JAX

9. 最后的守护 / Zuìhòu de Shǒuhù (Last Guard)
Vocals: Shian
Music, arrangement: Zeno
Lyrics: Zeno, 大九_N / Daiku
Tuning: 坐标P / ZuòbiāoP
Illustration: 原子Dan

Purchase Options
Find the product page for the album here!
For ¥ 65 RMB
- Album “海纳百川Storybook” x1
- Song illustration postcards x5

For ¥ 125 RMB
- Album “海纳百川Storybook” x1
- Song illustration postcards x5
- 75mm giant can badge x3
- Illustration book x1

For ¥ 150 RMB
- Album “海纳百川Storybook” x1
- Song illustration postcards x5
- 75mm giant can badge x3
- Illustration book x1
- Brooch x1 (your choice from among Stardust, Shian and Haiyi)

For ¥ 200 RMB
- Album “海纳百川Storybook” x1
- Song illustration postcards x5
- 75mm giant can badge x3
- Illustration book x1
- Brooch x3 (Full set)
- A4 clear file folder x1
- Numbered card x1

Pre-Order Bonus
※Available only while supplies last
- Album cover postcard x1
- Special A4 clear file folder x1
- Paper shopping bag x1