MIKUEC2020 Fan-made Livestream Announced For This Month!

We wouldn’t blame you if you thought this was an official online concert, what with the spectacular promotional art and professionalism of their event organisation… but no, MIKUEC is indeed a completely fan-run Miku concert, courtesy of The University of Electro-Communications Official Circle “Virtual Live Study Group“! They also held a similar event in November last year, and this year’s livestream looks to be just as fantastic! Their concerts are typically shown the “Chofu Festival” at their university, but this year they’ll be going online for everyone to enjoy. You too could be part of the fun, so read on to find out more about this super awesome event!
About MIKUEC2020
This year their event is being held online, since the team behind it have been able to develop their very own stages and servers completely from scratch!
Date and time: November 21st at 8:00 PM JST (the event space will open from 6:00 PM JST)
Price: This event is free! (but limited to a maximum of 1500 spectators)
The theme for this year is 「カラフル」/ “Colourful”, and as you’ll see, the main visual (created by illustrator Lγ.7) certainly doesn’t scrimp on colour:
Here we have the promotional video for the whole event (EN captions available)…
…And here is the theme song for this year’s performance – “Nanairo” feat Hatsune Miku:
Compilation album on BOOTH
MIKUEC2020’s official compilation album entitled 「ナナイロ」/ “Nanairo” (Seven Colours”) was also put up for purchase on BOOTH earlier this month! The album is a compilation of works from 7 producers, with each song having a specific colour of the rainbow in mind! You can check out the crossfade here:
Songs included in the album:
- Nanairo (Seven Colours) – Dance on Yakiudon x Nanamitsuki feat. Hatsune Miku
- Color Me a palette – Yunari feat. Hatsune Miku
- Sasurai – zzZ feat. Kagamine Rin and Len
- 溟彩 – 幽世
- 色毒 – 光る山羊 feat. Megurine Luka
- Utayutau – Nanamitsuki – feat. Hatsune Miku
- Nijiiro no Uta (Rainbow Coloured Song) – Dance on Yakiudon feat. Otomachi Una
- Colourful Miracle Wonderful World! – Oshibori feat. Hatsune Miku
The album is available on their BOOTH store for ¥500 from November 7th!
How to watch the performance
In order to watch the show, you’ll need to access this page and sign up with either your Google or Twitter account: https://mikuec2020.com/

Once you do that, you just need to wait until the big day to watch the show live on the MIKUEC YouTube channel, or on the MIKUEC Live app (to be made available later):

※Only the first 1500 people who sign up will be able to watch, so make sure to do so quickly!
Daily countdown to MIKU EC!
Take a look at these adorable arts showing the 5 day countdown towards MIKU EC!
The only other thing to note is that MIKUEC’s organisers strictly prohibit recording the live event and redistributing it, so please refrain from doing so. Make sure to sign up and join in with the fun of MIKUEC on November 21st! We know that’ll it’ll be an event we won’t forget!
Some technical difficulties have prevented the organizers from putting the MIKUEC Live app for download, so the show can no longer be watched on it.
But fans can still catch the show live on YouTube below!
Setlist for MIKUEC2020
And here’s the final setlist for the concert! Since it’s a fan-made project, there was much more variety than we’re usually used to, including songs from GUMI and Flower alongside the piapro characters :
- ロキ / Roki feat. Kagamine Rin/Len – MikitoP
- FREELY TOMORROW feat. Hatsune Miku – Mitchie M
- Setsuna Trip feat. GUMI – LastNote.
- Hello, Worker feat. Megurine Luka – KEI
- 空奏列車 / Kuusou Ressha (Daydream Sky Train) feat. IA, Hatsune Miku – Orangestar
- ナナイロ / Nanairo (Seven colours) feat. Hatsune Miku – Dance on Yakiudon, ななみつき/Nanamitsuki
- METEOR feat. Hatsune Miku – DIVELA
- モノクロ∞ブルースカイ / Monochrome∞Blue Sky feat. Hatsune Miku – のぼる↑ / Noboru↑
- ツギハギスタッカート / Tsugihagi Staccato (Patchwork Staccato) feat. Hatsune Miku – とあ / Toa
- ブリキノダンス / Buriki no Dance feat. Hatsune Miku – 日向電工 / Hinata Denkou
- ベノム / Venom feat. Flower – かいりきベア / Kairiki bear
- グラーヴェ / Grave feat. Hatsune Miku – niki
- 愛言葉Ⅲ / Ai KotobaⅢ feat. Hatsune Miku – DECO*27, Rockwell
- テオ / Teo feat. Hatsune Miku – Omoi
- Calc. feat. Hatsune Miku – ジミーサムP / JimmyThumbP