Project SEKAI Costume Design Campaign Round 1 Results

Our first round of the ProSEKA costume design contests has come to a close, and with so many entries, it must’ve been super hard to choose the winners! This first contest ran from October 2nd to October 31st 17:00 JST, and the themes were either “Near Future” or “Sweets”. Entrants were able to apply via Twitter using the hashtag #プロセカ衣装デザイン, plus the hashtag that their design applied to: either #近未来 (near future) or #スイーツ (sweets). You can check Twitter for these hashtags to see the various entries!
Let’s see who won, shall we?
Winner for the theme “Sweets” – Women
Title of work:「ベリチョコパンケーキ」/ “Berry Choco Pancake”
Design by アザカ (@a_z_a_k_a)
Time it’ll be available in-game: February 2021

Judges comments:
What an impact when the pancakes hit you in a single glance! Even despite this factor, the pancakes and accessories included have been arranged nicely around the middle [of the design] to create this outfit, and this “Sweets” [-themed] costume was chosen based on the profound impression that was made!
Other notable points from the artist:
“This is a female outfit which has berries and chocolate pancakes as the motif. I tried to leave you with [an outfit which conveys] this form of this motif powerfully. ”
- “Strawberries, blueberries, raspberries and whipped cream” – outfit motifs
- “Sleeves are whipped cream”
- “Head accessories are held on by an alice band”
- “The skirt is made out of slices of strawberries and cream which is sandwiched between two pancakes”
- “The melting chocolate bow is attached to the middle of the corset”
- “The bottom sides of the shoes are both pink, but only the underside of the heels are pink too”
Winner for the theme “Sweets” – Men
Title of work:「パステルアイスクリーム」/ “Pastel Ice cream”
Design by こむ (@komunishi)
Time it’ll be available in-game: February 2021

Other colourways – “Choco” / “Mint” / “Orange” (source Tweet)

Judges comments:
This costume is entirely pastel-coloured, what with the hoodie designed to look like an ice-cream, the small details included like the coloured sprinkles and strawberry sauce, and so because the theme of “sweets” was stamped all over this design, it was chosen as a winner!
Other notable points from the artist:
- “Choker” – pink
- “Toppings” – the blue, pink and yellow stars on the white draping fabric
- “Strawberry sauce” – the pink squiggle on the hood
- “Mint” – the green leafy plant on the hood
- “Colourful sprinkles” – on the main body of the hoodie
- “Waffle cone pattern” – on the main body of the hoodie
- “High lacing with a bow” – going up the back of the hoodie
Winner for “Near Future” – Women
Title of work:「オプティマイズ」/ “Optimise”
Design by レヅキ /Rezuki (@krlouvfaaa)
Time it’ll be available in-game: March 2021
Judges comments:
The geometric design of each aspect of the costume, together with the striking colour scheme become the key to every important point in this illustration, and we feel that this all clearly represents the concept of “Near Future”!
You get the sense that this is a design which, when worn by each character, will look both cool and cute!
Other notable points from the artist:
- “This is a concept of a near future, tens of years in the future – an incredible and bizarre time where you can’t tell how things will turn out. In addition, the concept here is based on the idea of revolutionary clothing [in the near future] that could have various hidden functions, such as temperature regulation.”
Winner for “Near Future” – Men
Title of work:「The Melody Chaser.」
Design by わいん (@Winepng)
Time it’ll be available in-game: March 2021

Judges comments:
With the power button decorating the back [of the jacket] and all of the electronic parts and the lines which light up, you can really feel a strong “Near Future” vibe!
The representation of the jack and speakers and other music-related elements is cool and match the appearance of the “world” [in the game]!
Other notable points from the artist:
- The colour of the glowing parts shown is #00FAHH in hexadecimal
- “The headphones have a microphone attached”
- “The triangles around the wrists spin around”
- “There are speakers around the waist”
- “The trousers have been sliced in half, and each half is joined by the black part”
- “When the outer part [jacket] and speakers are taken off” – the far left image is what it looks like
The winning designs for “Sweets” will be featured as items as part of the Premium Mission Pass throughout February 2021, while the winning designs for “Near Future” will be featured as part of the Premium Mission Pass for March 2021*! Artists whose work is featured in the game will also be added to the game credits, and receive a 3,000 yen Amazon gift voucher!
Example of this month’s Premium Mission Pass for reference:

*Please note that the Premium Mission Pass is a pay-to-access feature. It costs 1960 yen for the whole month, and gives you “paid” crystals (x1800) and Virtual Coins (x1800). To unlock the outfit for Premium Mission Pass, you’ll need to earn approximately 5000 Live Points before the end of the month. For other colourways of the featured outfit, you’ll need to earn 6000, 7000 and 8000 Live Points before the end of the given month.
Congratulations to all the winners for this round! We look forward to seeing what these costumes will look like when actually implemented in-game! If you didn’t win the competition this time, or are interested in trying to do your own outfit design, don’t fret! There’s another competition underway already! Watch this space where we’ll announce all of the details!
Thanks for reading, and have fun playing Project SEKAI everyone.
- Design Contest 1 Announcement
- Design Contest 1 Results
- Project SEKAI Colorful Stage! feat. Hatsune Miku official site
- Project SEKAI Colorful Stage! feat. Hatsune Miku official Twitter
- You can download Project SEKAI Colorful Stage! feat. Hatsune Miku on Android or iOS
2 Responses
[…] on from the immensely successful round 1 of Project SEKAI costume designing contests, here we have… you guessed it: round 2! For all you budding artists out there, let’s […]
[…] check out the #プロセカ衣装デザイン tag on Twitter, and you can check out the winners of round 1 of the Project SEKAI costume design competition! As of writing the winners of the second design competition haven’t been announced yet. but […]