Project SEKAI Costume Design Campaign Round 3 Results

A series of rather magical costume designs have been floating around Twitter as of late, which has shown that the excitement of fans relating to the Project SEKAI costume design competitions stands strong! Here we have the results of the 3rd competition, which was held throughout December. Check below for translations of the design notes and more!
Further reading – previous ProSEKA design competitions
>> First design contest results (Near Future/Sweets)
>> Second design contest results (Mysterious Thief)
Winner for the theme “Magic” – Women
Title of work:「ブラックキャットスターライト」/ “Black Cat Starlight”
Design by 桃タルト (@peach_1166)
Time it’ll be available in-game: May 2021

Judges comments:
The combination of black and purple makes for a rather mature tone to the outfit, while the cuteness of the frills and cat motifs scattered intermittently across the design creates an overall costume which should suit any [female] character! The organiser felt enchanted by this design, and that’s why it was chosen [to be featured in the game]!
Other notable points from the artist:
Witch x black cats x stars
When you think of witches, you think of black cats, and when you think of black cats, witches come to mind! This is the concept that I based this design on. When magic is used, you often see glittering sparkles and stars, so I added this as another motif in order to try and create a costume design that’s fun and cute.
- (Side view) : The two flowing bustles on the side have two layers – the top layer is black, with the same dark purple patten (cats and pawprints) as is on the hood. The under layer is light purple on the top side and violet on the underside. It also has frills attached and an accent of white parralel lines and stars.
- The two star ornaments are attached to the bottom of the black skirt-like bustles on each side.
- The front of the boots are designed to look like cat paws
- (Back view): Pointed hat – the star ornament is attached to the point of the black fabric, similar to with the [aforementioned] skirt bustle
- The hood has cat ears attached
- The black hood was inspired by a magician/witches’ robe
- The hem of the skirt bustle has magic-related motifs (cats heads, paws and stars)
- The star ornaments are 3D and swing and light up.
Winner for the theme “Magic” – Men
Title of work:「セカイの魔法使い」/ “Magician of the Sekai”
Design by てん (@kn9is)
Time it’ll be available in-game: May 2021

Judges comments:
While making good use of the look of a typical magic-user, there’s an added cuteness because of the exposed shoulders! The inclusion of the ProSEKA-reminiscent musical stave and clefs (music note imagery) suits perfectly, and creates a design which is very cute in a cool way! This costume was chosen because of the wonderful attention to details, from the smaller design aspects to the patterns implemented!
Other notable points from the artist:
- (Front view): You can see the pattern under the cape (・+・+・)
- The little pouch on the leg has a yellow heart-shaped piece/motif on it
- (Side view): The hat has a music note (♪) at the point
- The sleeves/arm warmers are made of magical (glowing) fabric
- (Back view): The hood has a musical stave and clef motifs (𝄞) on it
- “Cool and mysterious”
- “Pure and cute” (TN: could this refer to the potions on the back of the design?)
The winning designs for “Magic” will be featured as items as part of the Premium Mission Pass throughout May 2021*! Artists whose work is featured in the game will also be added to the game credits, and receive a 3,000 yen Amazon gift voucher!
Example of what the Premium Mission Pass looks like in-game for reference:

*Please note that the Premium Mission Pass is a pay-to-access feature. It costs 1960 yen for the whole month, and gives you “paid” crystals (x1800) and Virtual Coins (x1800). To unlock the outfit for Premium Mission Pass, you’ll need to earn approximately 5000 Live Points before the end of the month. For other colourways of the featured outfit, you’ll need to earn 6000, 7000 and 8000 Live Points before the end of the given month.
Well done to the winners of the third ProSEKA costume design competition, and good job to everyone who submitted an entry! We wish you all luck with future competitons, and can’t wait to see all of these winning designs in-game this year.
Thanks for reading!
Project SEKAI Colorful Stage! feat. Hatsune Miku
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- You can download Project SEKAI Colorful Stage! feat. Hatsune Miku on Android or iOS
4 Responses
[…] only just got the results of the third Project SEKAI Costume Design Campaign, and budding artists can still enter the next, newest round, which looks every part as interesting […]
[…] go over each winning entry and their judges’ comments in our previous article here, so go check it out if you haven’t read it […]
[…] >>Round 1 winners (Sweets/Near Future)>>Round 2 winners (Mysterious Thief)>>Round 3 winners (Magic) […]
[…] results (Near Future/Sweets)>> Second design contest results (Mysterious Thief)>>Third design contest results […]