Washin Palette’s 70th Anniversary Illustration Contest & New Miku Glasses Revealed

Up til now, Washin Optical have allowed us glasses-wearing members of society a bit more fun in our lives, in the form of character-themed glasses and glasses accessories (such as the cute anti-fog glasses wipes released late last year). Even in Washin Optical’s 70th year they continue to treat us to exciting new collaborations (via their subsidiary Washin Palette), including one featuring our virtual diva Hatsune Miku! There’s a new pair of glasses, plus a contest underway, so see below to find out more!
ADATTO×Hatsune Miku glasses frames
In commemmoration of their 70th anniversary, Washin Optical are releasing a Hatsune Miku version of one of the styles from their ADATTO range of glasses. The word “adatto” is said to mean “just right” in Italian, which reflects the effort they’ve put into designing a style of frame which is comfortable and stylish at the same time. They even have their own cute logo for the range (see the official webpage for ADATTO for more the details!)
As you can see, the design features Miku’s colour scheme of black, grey and turquoise and has slim arms for the glasses, with the contrast in thickness seeming to give the glasses an almost android-esque look. Either way, they’re simple yet stylish, and a fun way to show your love of Miku in a more subtle way.
>Find out more about the ADATTO AD004 style here
As of writing, the collaboration spectacles aren’t available to buy just yet because of the illustration contest that’s currently being held. We’ll make sure to update you once they are available, but for now… read on to find out how you could be in to win a pair of the glasses (among other things!)
Illustration contest
piapro and Washin Palette are looking for illustrators to create a design for the packaging, glasses case and glasses cloth for their anniversary Hatsune Miku glasses (shown above)! Winners will not only have their art used for the official product packaging and accessories, but will also have their art displayed as a promotional piece (potentially as big as A1 size!).
Competition details
- Theme: Hatsune Miku wearing the collaboration glasses
- Duration of the competition: December 1st 2020 until January 18th 2021 at 17:00 JST
- Number of winners: 2
- Results announcement date: February 2021, results to be found on the piapro website
- Characters you can draw: only Hatsune Miku
Information about submitting your entry

Submissions will need to be published on the piapro website! If you don’t have an account with piapro yet, you can make one here.
- Size of submission: A4 size (210mm x 297 mm)
- Amount of submissions allowed: one entrant can enter as many times as they like, but only one entry can be chosen to win at the end of the competition overall.
- Color mode for submissions: CMYK
- Required file format: JPEG
- Resolution: 400dpi
- Licensing: Do NOT set a license for your entry. Licenses cannot be changed after posting your entry, so the only way to change this would be to delete and re-upload your entry
- Tags: whatever tags you use, make sure to include the “和真メガネイラスト” tag, otherwise your entry won’t be counted. When posting your design, any current competition or collaboration tags will be displayed with other popular tags. Also make sure to lock said tag.
- Your entry must NOT have been published anywhere else or entered into any other previous competitions.
- The final day of submitting competition entries, the website may face an influx of entries which can cause delays to uploading posts. Therefore please try to upload entries slightly earlier than January 18th 2021 to avoid this. Anything posted after the entry deadline will NOT be eligible for participation.
- Anyone underage will need permission from a parent or guardian to join in with the competition. Being “underage” should depend on the law where you live, since the page lists “18” as being an adult, while “20” is cited as the age of becoming an adult in Japan.
- If you are selected to win, all following correspondence will be in Japanese. Hence why you will most probably need to have a reasonable knowledge of the language if you decide to enter the competition (you may be consulted about any potential alterations to the design etc. so please be keep this in mind).
Design guidelines
- Please do not copy and paste photos of the glasses into your artwork. Your illustration must be fully illustrated.
- Please make sure that the glasses drawn in your illustration are a good likeness of the real-life product. If the glasses in your illustration look significantly different, your design may be disregarded (see the images in the section above for reference images).
- Please put the character and background as separate layers
- Please provide a high quality PSD file
- Please do not include any writing on the illustration except Miku’s designated number
- For your design, you are allowed to depict the official design(s) featured on Miku’s vocal package boxarts (see here for more details), or your own unique Miku design.
- You may NOT include any costumes which have been featured in other official media, such as games (Project DIVA, Project MIRAI, Project SEKAI, Dreamy Vocal etc.), manga/novels, anime (Shinkalion) or anything else.
- This may seem like an obvious one, but make sure that you don’t copy someone else’s work. Not only is plagiarism illegal, but this will cause a lot of hassle and will potentially lead to your entry being disqualified.
If you’re curious about the submissions that have been made for the contest so far, or are looking for inspiration for your own piece, check out this page!
If you haven’t invested in one of Washin Palette’s pairs of Miku-themed glasses yet, this could be your year! Make sure to keep an eye on our social media pages to find out the winners of the design competition in due course, and then we can work on updating you once the glasses are ready to order.
Washin Palette / Washin Optical
- Washin Optical main website (regular glassesware)
- Washin Palette official website (collaboration goods)
- Washin Palette official Twitter
- Washin Palette official Rakuten store