Project SEKAI Costume Design Campaign Round 4 Results

The characters in the PJ SEKAI world can now be suited and booted for work – and in a restuarant, to top it off! The latest Project SEKAI Costume design contest brings us two adorable uniforms to acquire in the game later this year, and although it’s a while to wait before we see them implemented, you can find out all the details here to see what you think!
Further reading – previous ProSEKA design competitions
>> First design contest results (Near Future/Sweets)
>> Second design contest results (Mysterious Thief)
>>Third design contest results (Magic)
※Please note that all translations and transliterations here are unofficial
Winner for the theme “Restaurant” – Women
Title of work:「トレステラコック」/ “Tre stella Cook” (“tre stella” means “three stars” in Italian. Three stars is used to represent the highest quality food establishment you can get, according to Michelin)
Design by KOJIN (@K_JN01)
Time it’ll be available in-game: June 2021

Judges comments:
The artist here has created a design which looks like a realistic chef’s uniform, what with the apron and a cook’s tie etc., the colours and pattern, as well as incorporating the uniform-like details to the point where you can feel that the entire outfit has been well thought out and organised, which is why it was chosen to win!
Other notable points from the artist:
- The design is that of a chef.
- Cook’s hat: the bottom part is wrapped in a patterned scarf, with a small bit of fabric folded over in a triangle.
- Two different check patterns are used throughout.
- The three star pins on the collar are made of shiny metal.
- Buttons on the jacket are metal and elliptical in shape.
- The skirt has two overlapping halves.
- The darker coloured over-skirt has pleats in it.
- The waist is wrapped in a decorative table cloth with yellow, brown and white stripes around the edging.
- The apron has a line of vertical yellow stitching, as well as vertical white lines and another line of thinner yellow stitching.
“KOJIN’s outfit design ‘Tre stella Cook’ will be implemented in ProSEKA!!”
Winner for the theme “Restaurant” – Men
Title of work:「Song to taste.」
Design by へぼ (@heibon0224)
Time it’ll be available in-game: June 2021
Judges comments:
At first glance, this looked like a simple vest and trousers style design, but upon looking at the apron properly, I reaised it was more than just a simple or showy design accent, and because the overall balance of the look is so good, we decided ot choose it! You can feel the love put into each and every design detail and option. I feel like if I had such a cool waiter in an establishment, I’d want to keep on ordering and ordering, you know? ♪
Other notable points from the artist:
- This is a design based on a waiter’s uniform with a clean, fresh look [professional].
- It’s intended to have a chic, calming look which is both simple yet showy, with musical motifs incorporated.
- The gloves have a hole on the underside [where they’re fastenend].
- There’s a pattern printed onto the sleeve in gold.
- The pattern is inspired by the concept of “customers being able to enjoy music and food at the establishment [a restaurant]. The orange part represents a minim rest (half note rest), the yellow part is a crotchet rest (quarter note rest), blue is a semi quaver rest (16th note rest) and the green part indicated is a semibreve rest (whole note rest). All these rest notes used for sheet music have combined to make a lovely pattern!
- There are buttons fastening the sleeve [the artist says that “it’s okay if you leave these out in the final in-game design, I’d rather they were kept in”].
- The shirts have a single cuffs.
- Shoe lacing goes over the top into the holes.
- The artist says they’d “like the rope neck tie to move [as the characters dance, etc.]”.
- The layers of the apron are separate, so it’s easier for the characters to dance in.
- Features a tailcoat-style vest.
- There’s a 3 star pin attached to the lapel, and they and the other buttons are gold.
- The different coloured lines on the apron represent the different notes in PJ SEKAI: pink/red are the flick notes, yellow are the critical notes, green are the long notes and blue are the normal notes.
- The blue part of the apron has white lines representing the musical stave, including the white lines at the bottom which are meant to be the the end line where you tap
- Buttons on the waist of the apron look like the knobs/buttons on musical equipment
- The wait of the apron is fastened as a corset belt
- There is a piano pattern on the bottom of the apron [so long as the pattern in the final in-game version has the circled part at the beginning and end of the repeating pattern, it should be fine]
- There’s a pocket on the apron for a clipboard and ballpoint pen, so that the waiter can take orders.
- Written on the apron is “grazioso” which means “gracefully” or “elegant in style” in Italian and music terminology. In “another colour” version of the outfit, the colour of the text could change, but if this is trouble, it can be left as-is.
- The outfit looks cute with the included hat accessory, but can look cool without it!
- On the right side of the hat, there are also knife, spoon and fork clips. The spoon and fork are crossed over.
“My design was selected!!!!! Thank you so much!!!!!! Um, thank you so much!!!!”
The winning designs for “Restaurant” will be featured as items as part of the Premium Mission Pass throughout June 2021*! Artists whose work is featured in the game will also be added to the game credits, and receive a 3,000 yen Amazon gift voucher!
Example of what the Premium Mission Pass looks like in-game for reference:

*Please note that the Premium Mission Pass is a pay-to-access feature. It costs 1960 yen for the whole month, and gives you “paid” crystals (x1800) and Virtual Coins (x1800). To unlock the outfit for Premium Mission Pass, you’ll need to earn approximately 5000 Live Points before the end of the month. For other colourways of the featured outfit, you’ll need to earn 6000, 7000 and 8000 Live Points before the end of the given month.
Congratulations to the winners for this contest! I’ll admit that these designs look like something I’d want to wear in real life at work. They look cuper cool and comfy, not to mention all the amazing details added! Make sure to keep an eye out for when they’ll be added to the game later this year.
Project SEKAI Colorful Stage! feat. Hatsune Miku
- Official website
- Official Twitter
- You can download Project SEKAI Colorful Stage! feat. Hatsune Miku on Android or iOS
3 Responses
[…] We cover these winning outfit in depth in our article here, so be sure to give it a read! […]
[…] See here for our past coverage on the contest for details!’ […]
[…] 1 winners (Sweets/Near Future)>>Round 2 winners (Mysterious Thief)>>Round 3 winners (Magic)>>Round 4 winners […]