Auditions for ROSA’s Voice Provider Now Open

**UPDATED ON April 25, 2021**
Auditions have now closed. See updated announcements at the bottom of this page.
The 131st episode of VOCALOID REVOLUTION streamed on April 17th, 2021, bringing with it a major new announcement about ROSA!
Watch it below, and continue reading for the new information!
ZAN-SHIN’s Official Website, ROSA’s Voice Provider Auditions
Right at 7:00 PM (JST), the new website for ZAN-SHIN (HirotoP’s company through which he is developing ROSA) went up, which you can find here!
And the first announcement made on the website was that auditions to become ROSA’s voice provider are now open!
Description from the official announcement page (unofficial translation):
Applications to become the voice provider for ROSA – the voice synth character under development at ZAN-SHIN Co. Ltd. utilizing the latest AI technology (Synthesizer V AI and CeVIO AI TALK, planned for both Japanese and English) – are now open.
ROSA is the youngest sister of VOCALOID CUL. She is 15 years old, 152cm tall, and has a bright yet mischievous personality. Her key color is pink, and her official illustration will be revealed in the coming days.
A rough face sketch for ROSA’s official design has been revealed!
**UPDATE ON MAY 1, 2021**
Now we get to see full-body rough illustrations of ROSA (black and white)
**UPDATE ON MAY 4, 2021**
Now fully-body and full-color versions of ROSA’s product illustrations have been revealed!
Furthermore, ZAN-SHIN asks that when posting fan art of ROSA on social media, make sure to tag them with #ろさーと and/or #rosart so that ZAN-SHIN can more easily find and share them!
Sign-Up Conditions
- No age restriction [1]
- Cosplay is allowed [2]
You must be able to attend the final selection meetings held in Tokyo [3]
**UPDATE** The final selection meetings will now be fully remote- You must be able to attend overseas activities in the future
- Those under contract from a talent agency must obtain prior permission to audition
[1] Minors must provide parental or guardian consent
[2] ZAN-SHIN is planning events in which ROSA’s voice provider will cosplay as her
[3] Depending on COVID-19 conditions, remote judging may be possible
Schedule (all times JST)
April 17 (Sat) at 7:00 PM – Applications open
April 25 (Sun) at 11:59 PM – Applications close
April 28 (Wed) at 9:00 PM – Preliminary selection results announced
May 1 (Sat) through May 5 (Wed) – Final selection meetings held
May 8 (Sat) at 9:00 PM – Final selection results announced in a livestream
※Schedule is subject to change
How to Apply
Video Recordings
First, record videos containing the following content:
1. A video of yourself reading the following lines in Japanese
[※Unofficial English translations provided solely to help you know what the lines mean and add proper emotion more easily; they are not to be read for the audition]
Chiisana oka no, nagai ishi no kaidan o nobori kitta tokoro ni aru furui chiisana kyoukai de, atashi wa nagai aida, shisutaa-tachi to issho ni kurashite ita.
(For the longest time, I’ve been living with the nuns of an old, small church on a tiny hill, atop a long stone staircase)
Sonna aru hi,
(Then one day…)
“Kireina akagami… dare?…… Oneechan… e! ? Atashi no, oneechan…?
(What beautiful red hair… who are you? …..My sister…. what!? You’re my big sister…?)
Uun, sonna hazu nai! Atashi wa zutto koko de hitoribocchi dattan da!
(No, that can’t be true! I’ve been here all alone for as long as I can remember!)
なんで今更…っ…… は?そんな理由でアタシのために…そんなに長い時間をかけて…?
Nande imasara… ha? Sonna riyuu de atashi no tame ni… sonna ni nagai jikan o kakete…?
(Why are you only now…. huh? You mean because of that… for this long a time… all for my sake…?)
Pu-… ahahaha! Sou ka, yappari atashi no oneechan da ne! Okaeri! Oneechan!”
(Pfft… ahahaha! I see! You really are my big sister! Welcome home, sis!)
2. A video of yourself singing 1 chorus line from any song that you like without music or instrumental accompaniment
3. A video of you introducing yourself and talking about your strengths (about 1 minute long)
Upload these 3 videos to a video forwarding service (like Gigafile or another cloud file sharing service), and save their download URLs.
Application Form
Access the application page here.
Fill in the form as follows:

A: Your name
※Please provide the name that you would like to be called (nicknames are acceptable)
B: Your email address
C: Your age
※This will not be publicized
D: Your height
E: Your main social media account
※Just one would do, preferably one in which your followers can cheer you on
F: Enter the URLs for 3 videos mentioned above※Please acknowledge that videos chosen in the preliminary selection process will be uploaded to ZAN-SHIN’s official YouTube channel (still in the making)
**UPDATE** The videos will not be uploaded to YouTube after all due to entrants having different conditions for having their voice recorded and played
G: Enter the letters and numbers shown
H: Submit
If you have any questions regarding auditions, please ask them on ZAN-SHIN’s official Twiter account, either by direct message or as a reply to tweets:
It’s not everyday that we get to see open auditions to become the voice provider for a new voice synth character! Provided that you can speak in Japanese and English well, and can fulfill all the sign-up conditions, we encourage anyone interested to give entering a shot, and best of luck to all!
**UPDATE ON APRIL 28, 2021**
After more than 60 entrants to the contest, the finalists who passed the first round of selection have been announced!
Congratulations to all the first round winners, and best of luck in the final judging round!
1 Response
[…] three weeks ago, ZAN-SHIN opened up auditions for ROSA’s voice provider. And in that short period of time, auditions have concluded and we have a […]