English SynthV AI Bank SOLARIS Revealed!

On May 10th, the English vocal synth company Eclipsed Sounds came onto the fandom’s radar with a short demo of a brand new SynthV English vocal. And today, they sucessfully revealed a longer version of the demo, as well as the design for their new English SynthV AI bank, so see below to get up to speed with what we know so far about the project!
The Demo
The current SOLARIS demo features a limited prototype bank that shows a lot of promise. A standard test list was used to get an idea of what SOLARIS will sound like in the engine and, despite the bank being a single pitch in standard style (and a lot smaller than Eleanor’s bank), fans can all agree it sounds amazing!
The demo actually even features a song by SOLARIS’ voice provider, Emma Rowley. Give the original a listen too so you can compare how they both sound:
The Design
The demo video also revealed the official art and design for SOLARIS. The main art is by the ever talented Superstellar, who brought their unique style to the table for vocal synth official art! Unlike many other synth characters, SOLARIS is definitely not drawn in the typical anime style, which makes her particularly interesting in comparison to what already exists:

The Crowdfunding Campaign
Contrary to what you might assume, SOLARIS is actually first and foremost a fan-run project. Despite everything so far looking as though it’s been orchestrated by a large company, Eclipsed Sounds is really a small company created by dedicated vocal synth fans. And those fans need your help to create an AI bank for SOLARIS!
Their Indiegogo campaign starts May 14th 2021 (around 3 days from now) so be sure to check it out and support this new vocal synth if you can!
For more information and updates regarding SOLARIS’ development, make sure to stay tuned to VocaSphere! And don’t forget to check out Eclipsed Sounds on their social media linked below, and support the extremely talented individuals helping make this project come to life.
Eclipsed Sound