ROSA’s CeVIO AI Talk Voice Crowdfunding Campaign Now Live

As mentioned on the VOCALO REVOLUTION 133 livestream, the crowdfunding campaign for ROSA’s Japanese CeVIO AI Talk bank has commenced earlier this month!
Originally planned to start on June 1st, it instead began on June 3rd, which is officially ROSA Day! The reason is because ‘ro‘ can be short for ‘roku,’ the Japanese word for 6, and ‘sa‘ can be short for ‘san,’ the Japanese word for 3. Therefore, 6/3 can be read as ‘rosa‘!
HirotoP even held a solo livestream during the start of the campaign to talk more about it, and let fans watch with him as it began.
Read on for details on the crowdfunding campaign, and how you can help donate!
※ All translations on this page are unofficial
Crowdfunding Details
Project name: Synthesized Voice Bank ROSA CeVIO AI Talk Voice Production Project / 音声合成ボイスバンク ロサ(ROSA) CeVIO AI トークボイス製作プロジェクト
Crowdfunding page:
Goal: ¥7,000,000 JPY
Start and end dates: June 3rd through June 30th, 2021
Project Overview

We want to make a CeVIO AI Talk Voice for ROSA, the youngest sister of CUL!
This project is being lead by Izumi Hiroto (HirotoP, Twitter: @deecloud), creator of VOCALOID CUL (CV: Kitamura Eri).
We look forward to your support!
We have prepared this manual for overseas supporters.
About ROSA

- Youngest sister of VOCALOID CUL
- Height: 152 cm
- Personality: cheerful and mischievous
In the ROSA Production Project, we will first conduct this crowdfunding campaign to fund development of her Japanese CeVIO AI Talk Voice, then plan to develop her Japanese Synthesizer V AI product, and finally her English CeVIO AI Talk Voice and English Synthesizer VI AI. See her official synthesized voice bank project page for details.
Character design, concept: ヒロトP / HirotoP
Illustrator: 吉田依世 / Yoshida Iyo (@yoshida_iyo)
What is a CeVIO AI Talk Voice?

A CeVIO AI Talk Voice is a synthesized voice bank that uses the voice creation software, CeVIO AI, capable of reproducing a human voice with high precision using the lateness AI technology. You can have a character voice say anything for you just by entering text. This is used for wide range of purposes, such as for Let’s Play videos, instructional videos, and more on Niconico and YouTube. You can also control how fast the text is read and the intonation of the voice, and even use parameters to add emotion like anger and sadness to the voice.
Note that in order to enjoy using a CeVIO AI Talk Voice, you also need the CeVIO AI Talk Editor (sold separately). This crowdfunding campaign considers only those who already own the Talk Editor, and will not include it in any of the reward offers. Please purchase the CeVIO AI Talk Editor below.
Vector PC SHOP CeVIO AI Talk Editor product page
About ROSA’s Voice Provider

Picked by auditions held during April and May this year, しらゆき / Shirayuki (@Snow_White__y) will be voicing ROSA.

A cosplaying live actress, VOCALOID DJ, YouTuber, TikToker, influencer, and former voice actress who wishes to become an actual actress in the future. She was born in Kansai, and is now active in Tokyo. She is most well known for cosplaying an original snow white/black princess of her own creation named Shirayuki Miku. She is the manager of her own self-produced VOCALOID bar, 39Party*, in Kabukicho. She has been listening to VOCALOID music since 2007. Her room is a 360-degree otaku room. VOCALOID is her life. Her fans are called the “Shirayuki Kobito Squad”
Comment from Shirayuki:
Nice to meet you!
I’m the cosplaying live actress, Shirayuki. I express myself through cosplaying.
I will love VOCALOID forever, so much so that I debuted as a DJ, produced a VOCALOID bar, try my hand at music composition and lyrics writing, and am keen on becoming a VOCALOID producer!
Among all my activities, there was also this audition that I signed up for right away. And then I was told that I passed, and that I would become a voice provider. It feels like a dream come true, and I’m absolutely thrilled.
As an expressive individual, I will work my absolutely hardest at all activities related to ROSA.
Furthermore, as an otaku first and foremost, I’ll do my best to make her very appealing character!
I look forward to your continued support!
Self introductory video:
Click here to listen to her recorded audition lines!
Furthermore, we are preparing voice recordings for lines with a lot of emotion in them that are hard to reproduce with software as additional voice samples using Shirayuki’s voice. Please acknowledge that there is the possibility that they may sound different from the final CeVIO AI Talk Voice.
About the Goal

If we raise ¥7,000,000 JPY, then that will confirm development of ROSA’s CeVIO AI Talk Voice, and 400 additional voice sample files! And what’s more… ???
Donation Plans

There are ¥500 JPY, ¥5,000 JPY, ¥60,000 JPY and ¥200,000 JPY base courses, plus an additional ¥30,000 JPY course for fans of Shirayuki to take note of.
We’ve also prepared three donation courses for overseas fans who have come to learn about our project. See details for each plan below.
When you first access GREENFUNDING, look for the button on the upper-right corner that says 会員登録 (Member Registration).

Then enter the following:
- Your email address
- Your preferred password (must be at least 8 characters long)
- Agree to their terms of use
- Click to receive a registration email at the email address provided in item #1
- Or sign up with Facebook

Donation Courses for Overseas Fans
¥500 JPY Course
- You will receive a thank-you mail and a voice message from Rosa. Delivered via online storage.
¥5,000 JPY Course
- Contents of the ¥500 JPY course
- Over 100 additional voice samples for supporters only. Delivered via online storage
¥30,000 JPY Course
- Contents of the ¥5,000 JPY course
- CeVIO AI Talk Voice (Editor not included)
- Backer-exclusive can badge (57mm) of ROSA’s R symbol
- Backer-exclusive can badge (57mm) of chibi ROSA
- Backer-exclusive acrylic keychain of chibi CUL and ROSA
- Backer-exclusive ROSA herbarium ballpoint pen
- Backer-exclusive chibi ROSA plushie
Note that overseas shipping charges are to be paid separately.
Donation Courses for Domestic Japanese Fans:
¥500 JPY Course
- You will receive a thank-you mail and a voice message from Rosa. Delivered via online storage.
¥5,000 JPY Course
- Contents of ¥500 JPY course
- Over 100 additional voice samples exclusive to backers. Delivered via online storage
¥30,000 JPY Course
- Contents of the ¥5,000 JPY course
- CeVIO AI Talk Voice (Editor not included)
- Backer-exclusive can badge (57mm) of ROSA’s R symbol
- Backer-exclusive can badge (57mm) of chibi ROSA
- Backer-exclusive acrylic keychain of chibi CUL and ROSA
- Backer-exclusive ROSA herbarium ballpoint pen
- Backer-exclusive chibi ROSA plushie
- A voiced message of thanks with your name read (exclusive to Japanese donors)
¥60,000 JPY Course
- Contents of the ¥30,000 JPY course
- Backer-exclusive life-size CUL & ROSA tapestry illustrated by Yoshida Iyo
- Backer-exclusive CUL plushie
With this course, you get the full set of plushies for both sisters!
¥200,000 JPY Course
- Contents of the ¥60,000 JPY course
- Back-exclusive invitation to a special ROSA event
If COVID-19 makes it difficult to hold the event, then the invitation will be replaced with special goods instead.
¥30,000 JPY Course, Voice Provider Version
- Contents of the ¥5,000 JPY course
- CeVIO AI Talk Voice (Editor not included)
- Backer-exclusive acrylic keychain of ROSA, Shirayuki cosplay version
- Backer-exclusive can Badge (57mm) of ROSA, Shirayuki cosplay version
- Backer-exclusive can badge (57mm) of ROSA’s R symbol
- Backer-exclusive can Badge (57mm) of chibi ROSA
- Backer-exclusive autographed photo of ROSA, Shirayuki cosplay version
- A voiced message of thanks with your name read by Shirayuki
Message from the Producer

Thank you so much for your continued support of the ROSA Project!
A lot of people have taken an interest in ROSA, CUL’s youngest sister, ever since she was first announced. Thank you so much for that.
I’ve considered many different ways for the ROSA Project to proceed. One of those plans was to hold a crowdfunding campaign, an idea that received a lot support from domestic and overseas fans alike.
I think of the ROSA Project as one that’s created by fans, by artists, and by us, her management team, all working together. I’d very much want to carry out this project under a system for letting overseas fans participate in it as well.
Let’s work together to help give ROSA her voice!
I look forward to working with you!
– HirotoP
Although this crowdfunding campaign is specifically for development of ROSA’s Japanese CeVIO AI Talk Voice, remember that the rest of her voice banks will not be developed until this project gets off the ground. And the only for that to happen is for this crowdfunding campaign to be a success and meet its goal! So even if you aren’t planning on using ROSA’s Japanese CeVIO AI Talk Voice, keep this fact in mind and consider donating if you can!
We wish HirotoP and ZAN-SHIN much success with the campaign!
Crowdfunding page on GREENFUNDING
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