What If You Drew It? Hatsune Miku Software Package Illustration Contest Results Are Here!

※The following is all unofficial results coverage
It’s been brought up a few times, including in our coverage of piaproTV episode #1 recently, but now the outcome of the What If You Drew It? Hatsune Miku Software Package Illustration Contest has indeed been announced!
As explained in our previous article on the contest, the concept here was to redesign the iconic character of Hatsune Miku! I.e., if you were tasked with designing Hatsune Miku’s software package illustration instead of KEI, how would you have designed her? Considering her design is one which has become so iconic in the years since her inception, it can be difficult to see Miku as anything other than what we know now (even within the bounds of her boxart updates, her look hasn’t strayed too much from her original style either, after all!).
But artists from across the globe have all joined in, showing us a multitude of alternative Miku designs, and from all those designs, the judges have chosen some overall winners!
Overall winner – award of excellence
Art by 千代

>>Find this art on piapro here!
Runner up #1 – special award from KEI
Art by 梨伊荼

>>Find this art on piapro here!
Runner up #2 – special award from Fujita Saki (Miku’s voice provider)

>>Find this art on piapro here!
To see all of the submissions for this contest, you can check them out on piapro here!
One of the recurring themes in all the submissions is everyone’s interpretation of “future sound”. Since Miku was first released, the world of vocal synths and otaku media have expanded so broadly, and while KEI’s original design is iconic in its simplicity, the winners here have gone all out on the details, channelling Miku’s presence as a virtual diva!
The overall winning designs will be featured at the upcoming Miku Chronicle event, and it’s even possible that other submissions will also be shown as part of the exhibition! If you’re currently in Japan, tickets should still be available to purchase for the said event, so make sure to check out the “Miku Chronicle” section in our article here to find out more.
Hatsune Miku Chronicle x piapro “What if you drew it?” Hatsune Miku Software Package Illustration Contest
Hatsune Miku Chronicle