Medium5 New Year (2020) Enamel Pins Now Available for Pre-order
Quadimension has recently graced their fans with yet another piece of merchandise in the form of a set of enamel...
Quadimension has recently graced their fans with yet another piece of merchandise in the form of a set of enamel...
The latest Medium⁵ album, 森罗万象Kaleido, will be available for pre-order starting at 8:00 PM (CST) on Sunday, October 6! Crossfade...
As you may know or not, Haiyi was released early, on September 6: About one week before her scheduled release. To celebrate, Quadimension’s official tuner, Haru.jpg (also known as Napstina)
Quadimension has prepared something special for their fans: New set of keychains, matching with Mid-Autumn Festival theme.
This past Monday, August 12 was Stardust’s fourth birthday! And on that day, Bilibili started taking entries for a media...
July 22 marks Haiyi’s official birthday! To celebrate, Quadimension is holding a special sale of Haiyi merchandise that all her...
Quadimension has announced that they will have a booth at the COMICUP24 doujin event in Shanghai from June 7 through...
Do you ever want some Stardust or Haiyi merch that you can hug and cuddle to your heart’s content? MOEYU...
MOEYU isn’t stopping with their announcements of new Stardust and Haiyi products! Here is the next batch of merchandise that...
MOEYU has more products for Stardust and Haiyi coming down the pipeline this summer. Now introducing the Stardust and Haiyi...