Miku and Kaito and the Smart- Puppets: The Finale?

Hello, Tanudama here! Following the fun of part 1 and part 2 of this event, there is one more additiom to it that you can get involved in. Let me show you what you can get up to next, including new missions, gacha and packs in-store!

There is a log-in bonus of 3 Mikucoins each day, so make sure to collect them when you can!
New “Advance! Mikucolle Exploration Team” Quest available to play!
Once you log in, you’ll not only Mikucoins, but also a dialogue between Kaito and Miku (check the end of this article for translations!)

So when you go to the quest section you’ll see this banner:

When you click on this banner, you’ll be brought to the next set of missions which get more and more difficult as you progress through them. On completing each level, you’ll get golden tickets, which you can use for the special gacha (don’t worry, I’ll explain about this later).
The enemies don’t have a specific element attached to them, so you can attack them with cards of any type! The more difficult the level, the more golden tickets you get. You can also get red challenge medals for completing missions, which can be exchanged at the “Exchange Shop” (交換所) for cool clothing items!
Each time you clear a stage here, you’ll also be shown your “high score”. Anyone who gets a high score of 20,000,000 points in the event will get a special card, so make sure you try to get to the higher levels and rack up those points! You can increase you high score by including special cards in your deck too! Which cards should you be using though? All will be revealed in a moment!
Waiting Time – SSR+

New gacha!
We have a variety of new gacha available for this event:

-The first gacha here is an expensive one – it costs 100 Mikucoins for one 10+ 1 extra card pull, but you’re guaranteed at least 1 SSR card with, so it’s probably worthwhile. You can only do this gacha a maximum of three times though.
-Next is the gacha with three options: for this gacha, the first button on the left is one pull only, and it costs 3 Miku coins (this one can be played up to once a day though).The middle button gives you a one pull gacha too, but you can play it as many times you like each day, and it costs 5 Mikucoins per pull. On the right-hand side you have the third button, which gives you 10 cards plus one extra, so it’s definitely the best value for money. You will get at least one SSR with this pull, and it costs 50 Mikucoins.
-Third down is a gacha which requires tickets, which can be acquired through buying packs in the online store (I’ll explain more about this a little later). With this one, you only get one pull per ticket, but there’s a high probability for an SSR+.
-After this comes another ticket-limited gacha, but with this one, you should get no less than an SSR with your single pull.
These are the cards you’ll be aiming to get in these gacha:
ヴェルタ★ファミリア ミク / Verta Famiglia Miku – SSR+

Art by 黎 (kuroi)
Skill: Segreto Verde
ヴェルタ★ファミリア リン / Verta Famiglia Rin – SSR+

Art by 黎 (kuroi)
Skill: Segreto Arancione
ヴェルタ★ファミリア レン / Verta Famiglia Len – SSR+

Art by 黎 (kuroi)
Skill: Segreto Giallo
ヴェルタ★ファミリア ルカ / Verta Famiglia Luka – SSR+

Art by 黎 (kuroi)
Skill: Segreto Rosa
ヴェルタ★ファミリア KAITO / Verta Famiglia Kaito – SSR+

Art by 黎 (kuroi)
Skill: Segreto Blu
ヴェルタ★ファミリア MEIKO / Verta Famiglia Meiko – SSR+

Art by 黎 (kuroi)
Skill: Segreto Rosso
ヴェルタ★ファミリア フェリーチェ / Verta Famiglia Felice – SSR+

Art by 黎 (kuroi)
Skill: Segreto Insieme
ヴェルタ★ファミリア カンターレ / Verta Famiglia Cantare – SSR+

Art by 黎 (kuroi)
Skill: Segreto Reggiadoro
-Finally, there’s a ticket-based gacha which anyone can use! In this gacha, the golden tickets you collected in the missions earlier can be used to collect super cool cards! The rate for SSR is 3% while SR is 97%, and those are the only two types of cards you can get. There are plenty to get, so good luck!
New packs in-store!
As always, there are packs to buy with real-life money on the shop!

Star Mikufest Pack 10000 – ¥10000 ($91 USD / £70 GBP)
-225 Mikucoins (Buy 100, get 125 free!).
– One SSR+ Gacha ticket. (A ticket for the “high probability for an SSR” gacha I mentioned).
Last day pack (large) – ¥10000
-300 Mikucoins (Buy 100, get 200 free!).
Star Mikufest Pack 4900 – ¥4900 ($44 USD / £34 GBP)
-106 Mikucoins (Buy 49, get 57 free!)
-One “No less than SSR” gacha ticket (for the second gacha requiring tickets that I mentioned).
Last day pack (small) – ¥1480 ($13 USD / £11 GBP)
-50 Mikucoins (Buy 15, get 35 free!)
Note: Star Mikufest Packs can be purchased up to 10 times. Last day packs can be only bought once each.
That’s everything you need to know for now! Good luck with clearing missions and gacha-ing!
Thanks for reading
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Dialogue translation (non-official)

1. Kaito: Well then… I wonder if we should somehow try to more or less summarise this whole ordeal.
2. Miku: The town centre is finally back to how it was before!
3. Kaito: So ultimately, what was that clock, even?
4. Miku: That huge thing was existing within our independent city.
5. Kaito: But why did that thing wake up? Was it some kind of accident?
6. Miku: The whole accident was just an inevitable accumulation. That inevitability was just something that we didn’t see.
7. Kaito: An accumulation that we didn’t see, huh…
8. Miku: In those ten years, the steam circuit developed a complication, so I’m guessing that huge clock got a kind of an upgrade from it?
9. Miku: So that’s why, because of the subjugation method we used, I think that we didn’t manage to stop the clock from evolving further.
10. Kaito: Well I’m glad that my method was convenient. Even in Winter you can still eat ice cream with the power of steam.
11. Miku: The excessive consumption of such refrigerated goods will end up ruining your stomach, you know?
12. Kaito: It’s fine!
13. [Ornith whizzes past] Kaito: Huh?
14. Miku: Ornith, where are you going?!
15. Miku: I wonder if something’s happened again…
16. Miku: Wait a sec, Ornith!!