VOCALOID Companies Joining Digital Backgrounds Twitter Trend

In the age of being exiled from the realm for the sake of the many, a lot of people are doing everything via video calls nowadays. Have college courses you need to complete? Is there a business meeting you need to attend? Maybe you need to have a doctor’s appointment. Everything can be done on Zoom.
And what better way to spice up those calls than with an “anime” background? Except these are far nicer than the one @Hunterelol accidentally used.
The current Twitter hashtag trend #バーチャル背景画像 features tons of backgrounds you can use for any digital purpose. Some people are using them for Miku Miku Dance but these backgrounds are useful for a variety of things. Here are some VOCALOID-related picks from companies to help spice up your Zoom calls.
Miku Related Backgrounds
From AHS
From GSC
Can you spot all of the VOCALOID figures?
Rabbit Yukine Backgrounds
As usual, we can count on Rabbit Yukine to go above and beyond. He’s provided us with a plethora of backgrounds.
From Project SEKAI Colorful Stage! feat. Hatsune Miku
More Information
Check out the hashtag #バーチャル背景画像 on Twitter for even more amazing backgrounds! May as well make staying inside a bit more interesting.