Otomachi Una x Leaping Destiny Song and Illustration Contest

2 Responses

  1. BERUI says:

    I think they don’t meant that voice clips unsung Talk ex are allowed but rather the recorded voicefiles that come along with the software. The ones with her talk ex are different from the ones that come with her V4

    • Tanudama says:

      Hiya, Tanudama here! After re-reading the competition guidelines, I believe you’d be right! It does say “please don’t use Otomachi Una TalkEx (voice material may be used), and I just checked the official product page which explains about the 300+ “voice materials” included with the package. Now I remember seeing the said “voice materials” myself, so that helps a lot. I’m just working to update the article now, so thanks for bringing this to our attention! I haven’t actually got any experience with VOCALOID packages yet, so it’s good to hear from someone more familiar.

      Thanks again!