Vocarnival Announced Plus Ruby Birthday Celebration!

Vocasphere is happy to announce our new vocal synth birthday celebration initiative: Vocarnival! After the founders of VocaFest announced they were no longer interested in hosting the celebrations, VocaSphere decided to try their hands at the tradition so that fans can continue to celebrate vocal synth birthdays!
The Main Idea
With there being so many vocal synth birthdays to celebrate, we’re not going to be able to host parties for everyone. However, we’ll try to host as many 5th, 10th, 15th, etc. birthday celebrations as possible.
Each event will have multiple ways for people to participate.
Song Events
For song events, we’ll be allowing both original songs and covers. Everything is welcome! We encourage producers of all skill levels to join in so that we can share in our love of the vocal synth being celebrated. Show us what you’ve got and we’ll share you on Vocarnival and VocaSphere social media on the character’s birthday!
Art Events
There are going to be two types of art events: The acrylic charm competition and the fanzine. All art is included in the fanzine no matter what. However, you’re welcome to submit art for the charm competition as well. We’ll have more information on the charm competition in the coming week but for the moment, start your illustrations!
Vocarnival is Not For Profit
While we’ll be selling goods, Vocarnival and VocaSphere will make no profit from these goods. Any money made will go right back into Vocarnival to help invest in making the next birthday celebration even better.
Ruby Birthday Celebration: Ruby Gala
For our first celebration, we’re celebrating Ruby’s 5th Birthday on October 7th! We already have a special person making the acrylic stand and we can’t wait to announce them. But while we wait, here’s the run down of when the main events will start. Expect a Vocarnival website and Discord server to also emerge in the next week to help you keep track of everything!
Charm Event
Charm illustrations will be due by September 3rd.
Voting will be from September 7th to the 21st.
Winners will be announced by September 23rd, at which point pre-orders will start for the Ruby Gala merch!
Song Events
All songs will need to be complete by no later than September 30th so that we can start working with everyone to schedule the premiers for the watch party!
All submissions for the artzine must be in by September 30th. That was we have enough time to actualy make the artzine before Ruby’s birthday.
More Information
Be sure to stay tuned to the Vocarnival Twitter for all Vocarnival updates! We’ll also be posting everything on Vocasphere social media as well.
Expect another article within the next week highlighting the Vocarnival website and Discord server!