Magical Mirai 2020 Programming Contest

The official Magical Mirai 2020 Programming Contest is now accepting entries! Want to see your lyrics video for a Magical Mirai song played at Magical Mirai 2020? Then read on for details on how to enter!
Contest Rules
Use the newly released TextAlive App API to create a lyrics video for a Magical Mirai theme song! The lyrics will appear and animate along with the song of your choice! See the below links for examples.

This “TextAlive APP API” is a library for JavaScript which allows you to develop apps in order to allow lyrics to move in time with music! This contest marks the first time for fans to program their own version of animated lyrics to match with a Magical Mirai theme song.
What you need to do
Develop a web app using the TextAlive app API. Any songs you’d like to use with this will need to be registed on the TextAlive service website. But luckily for anyone wanting to participate in this contest, all eligible songs (shown below) are already registered!
With the app, you’ll need to specifiy the URL of your chosen song (all of which are from YouTube), which will allow for the official lyrics (via piapro) to be automatically loaded too, so you can start working on the production of your lyric video instantly!
For an overview of how to apply, including the rules for the competition and how to make your own lyric app, you can check out this video here (JP), and check out the official website for the competition!
Eligible Songs
Magical Mirai 2020 theme song: 愛されなくても君がいる / Aisarenakute mo Kimi ga Iru (Because You’re Here) by ピノキオピー / PinocchioP
Magical Mirai 2019 theme song: ブレス・ユア・ブレス / Bless Your Breath by 和田たけあき / Wada Takeaki
Magical Mirai 2018 theme song: グリーンライツ・セレナーデ / Greenlights Serenade by Omoi
Submitting an application
In order to submit your work into this contest, you’ll need to use GitHub, which is a social coding platform. You’ll will then also need to create a “private repository” there so that no one else can see the source code of your work until your entry has been reviewed officially by the organizer. You can create an account with GitHub for free, and it can all be viewed and worked with in English.
The event organizers will be judging entries by running the source code you have in GitHub as an actual web application to see how it runs. Any winning works will be placed on the organizer’s web server for the sake of public user voting and anything else they desire. Due to this, all applications are limited to static applications which work simply by installation on a HTTP server. As long as this all works with a general web browser, you can develop your app in combination with various other libraries, including Three.Js, PixiJS and P5js. This gives you the opportunity to make your work more detailed and interesting, with the option for animations and other graphics.
Once uploaded, you will need to share it to the official Magical Mirai account on GitHub to enter. To complete your application, you will need to type in the URL of the private repository before sending it.
You can find the application link here
- A. Your name * (representative of the final product)
- B. Web name (whatever nickname you use online, or how you’d like to be referred to)
- C. Your age range (10 – 19 / 20 -29 / 30 -39 / 40 – 49 / 50+) *
- D. Your occupation (office worker / student / other) * (You can leave this blank if you’d prefer)
- E. Contact email address *
- F. Re-enter contact email address *
- G. Name of your work
- H. Explain what makes your work appealing (in 200 characters or less)
- I. Which song will the organizers be judging (2020 – Aisarenakutemo Kimi ga Iru / 2019 – Bless Your Breath / 2018 – Greenlights Serenade)
- J. Does your program work for any of the other songs that you HAVEN’T chosen to be judged? (yes / no)
- K. GitHub private repository URL
- L. Demo video URL (you can leave this blank if you don’t have one).
- M. Please check that you have done everything required of you, then tick all four boxes listed under this section.
- Press the green button at the bottom of the form to send your application.
*these parts of the form will not be made public.
Entry period
September 18 at 11:00 AM to November 3 at 11:59 PM (JST)
Any web app source code (HTML, CSS, JavaScript, etc.)
The organizers will be judging entries based on three key factors – Creativity (Does the web application look aesthetically pleasing and synchronize with the music?), Innovation (are the ideas you implement into your work interesting and even potentially ground-breaking for the future of this type of work?) and Completeness (has the app been executed well in accordance with regular web browsers?).

This competition is also being promoted to schools in Japan, for which the organizers have created this poster to download and distribute! Cool huh? You can find this poster at the bottom of the official Magical Mirai page here.
Selected entries will be published on the official Magical Mirai website and YouTube, while user voting will take place via mobile app MikuNavi (available on iOS and Android)! Winning entries will then be announced at the special exhibition stage at Magical Mirai 2020. Please look forward to seeing what people have managed to program for this exciting and challenging contest!
Official Magical Mirai 2020 Programming Contest page