Otomachi Una 4th Anniversary Song and Illustration Contest Results

A whole three months have gone by since we announced Otomachi Una’s 4th anniversary song and illustration contest, and in that time there have been hundreds of entries for the contest organisers to carefully look through and finally determine the handful of winners. But now we finally know the results of BOTH competitions! Keep reading to find out who won, and what will happen with the winning entries!
Song contest

All of the songs which have been chosen will be implemented sequentially into the 3D rhyhm game “Leaping Destiny” from the end of October, so please make sure to download the game in preparation! (You can find the link to it at the bottom of this article).
Grand prize winner:
Song name: ウナナナナナ! feat.音街ウナ (Unanananana! feat. Otomachi Una)
Composer: 魚井カズキ/Sakanai Kazuki
Comments: “Overwhelming vocal editing! Although it was quite simple in terms of instrumental organisation, the composition’s irregular metre which throws off the rhythm makes this song seem like a fun one to play in a rhythm game. Highly recommended by Staff H.”
Excellence award winners
Song name: crack feat.音街ウナ (crack feat. Otomachi Una)
Composer: num
Comments: “One listen and you’ll be hooked! It’s a song that has a very “VOCALOID” vibe. The poetry that rhymes was interesting too, and it amplified the speed. Highly recommended by Staff O.”
You can listen to it yourself on NicoNicoDouga here: https://nico.ms/sm37441765?ref=thumb_watch

Song name: アンカーチェイン feat.音街ウナ (Anchor Chain feat. Otomachi Una)
Composer: 一筆かもめ / ippitsu Kamome
Comments: “There are lots of points in the rhythm, making this suitable for a rhythm game. The lyrics overall are heavy but frank, which creates a good balance. I was amazed that there could be a way to create a hook like that with the lyrics. “
Other winners
Song name: スリーピングドリーマー feat.音街ウナ (Sleeping dreamer feat. Otomachi Una)
Composer: CHOUX
Comments: “With a chiptune tone that makes the sound less muddy, the composed progression of complex voicing chords sounds great! The vocals sound as if they’re telling a fairy tale, and the way they blend with the rest of the song is really nice. ”

Song name: 極通 feat.音街ウナ
Composer: Earrior
Comments: “Unexpectedly artcore*! Anyway, the decadent intro was very impressive. The clear voice of an adult Una is cool. “
*Artcore is described as an unofficial genre of music characterised by experimental electronic music with acoustic instrumental leads.

Song name: 永久に輝くアイオライト feat.音街ウナ (Iolite sparkling for an eternity feat. Otomachi Una)
Composer: みーに (Miini)
Comments: “Pop and strong, and it seems to pull out a little forcibly, which for whatever reason made me feel pretty good. It was interesting that she says “I’m going” just before the vocal chop in the middle. “

Song name: ドレミのウナ feat.音街ウナ (Do-re-mi Una feat. Otomachi Una)
Composter: くゆ太子
Comments: “Although the theme of the song is a well-known one, I cried a little at the imaginitiveness of matching the scale note name to the lyrics and chords in verses A and B, the thoroughly positive lyrics and the awesomeness of the melody in the last big chord. Highly recommended by staff Y.”
You can listen to it yourself on NicoNicoDouga here: https://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm37473667

Song name: mochi-mochi.cat feat.音街ウナ (mochi.mochi.cat feat. Otomachi Una)
Composer: あらたまいこ (Aratamaiko)
Comments: “The electro swing arrangement which contrasts with the cute lyrics and vocals is exquisite! In the blink of an eye, your brain gets eroded into a mochimochi nyan nyan salmon baby”.

Song name: ハニー・デイジー feat.音街ウナ (Honey Daisy feat. Otomachi Una)
Composter: 田淵フミ
Comments: Rockabilly, which is reminiscent of TMGE* is surprisingly fun! This song is also so clean that it can finish in two minutes without needing to be forcibly stretched.
*Thee Michelle Gun Elephant (often abbreviated to TMGE) was a Japanese garage rock band formed in 1991.
Song name: オンリーWonder! feat.音街ウナ (Only Wonder feat. Otomachi Una)
Composer: タケノコ少年 (Takenoko Shounen)
Comments: “In this song, the fingerboards have been held down which has allowed it to become well-balanced as a whole. The pace for it is good so you can enjoy it even in a game .”

From what I’ve heard, all of these songs sound awesome, and there’s good variation throughout the selection. Head to the end part of this article to find out more about how they’ll be used in Leaping Destiny.
Illustration contest

The organisers would like to thank everyone who submitted entries to this competition for making this into another wonderful contest this year! The following twelve overall winners have been chosen to be added to the Otomachi Una calendar for 2021, but there are also plans to include as many of the other submitted illustrations for the sake of decorating the cars of the Unapipigo train. So anyone who participated in the illustration contest is advised to keep an eye out for an email from Tinami confirming that their work has been chosen for this!
(Please note that if you don’t reply to said email from them, you will not be able to receive any prizes, so make sure to check all folders in your inbox!)
So, without further ado, here are the twelve overall winners! All of the winners have received comments from either Saito Naoki (The original illustrator for Otomachi Una Talkex), and Aimi Tanaka, Una’s voice provider!

Title: 初詣 (Hatsumoude – first shrine visit of the year)
Art by よみち (Yomichi)
Artist comment: “Happy fourth anniversary Una-chan!”
Comment from Saito Naoki:
- “If you thought “She’s not wearing her Otaman hat!”, Otaman had in fact become an Ema*. Una not wearing her hat is cute too~ The glittering of her eyes is very charming and I was drawn into the illustration at once! The pattern of her kimono and the hair clip are also lovely ♪”
*- Ema are small wooden plaques on which people write their prayers or wishes. The ema are then left hanging up at the shrine, where the gods are supposed to be able to receive them. They usually have various pictures images on them, with animals being rather common. You’ll also notice when you see the full image that “Otomachi Una” is written in red on the bottom left-hand corner of Una’s Ema!

Title: 想いをこめて! (Omoi o komete – Envelope in love!)
Art by みむしま (Mimushima)
Artist comment: “I just barely did it, but here is Valentine’s Una-chan! Otaman hat (chocolate flavour) …!” [They meant that they submitted this entry very last-minute].
Comment from Saito Naoki:
- “Very sweet colours! It’s almost like a sweet scent is drifting out from the illustration! The chocolate covered Otaman hat and round candy Otaman are cute too~! And Una’s heart-shaped eyes are cute! This is an illustration filled with good points! ♪”

Title: 春の瞳うららかに (In the glorious eye of spring)
Art by 第三王女 (Daisan Oujo / Third Princess)
Artist comment: “I used warm colours to try to create a calm atmosphere with the warmth of spring and to highlight the sunny areas. It’s March, so the decoration on the umbrella is like a hanging chick. Congratulations on your 4th anniversary, Una-chan! “
Comment from Saito Naoki:
- “The moment you see it, you know it’s amazing!”, I exclaimed. It was so colourful that it made my eyes happy, and even though there were cute patterns all over the screen, my eyes were instantly drawn to Una-chan’s cute face. The pattern on her clothing is especially wonderful. ♪”

Title: 桜のようせいさん (Fairy of the Sakura)
Art by 日向しゆ (Hyuuga Shiyu)
Artist comment: “Congratulations on your fourth anniversary. I love you. Here’s to the future endeavours of Otomachi Una.”
Comment from Saito Naoki:
- “The lighting here is beautiful! This perfectly expresses the fantastic atmosphere of cherry blossoms at night! Una’s clothing arranged around the cherry blossoms, as well as the translucent look of her skin is very stunning! I could sense the smell of spring through the screen! ♪”

Title: ウナちゃんとどこまでも♡ (Going with Una-chan even to the ends of the earth♡)
Art by udo_n_purin
Artists comment: “Congratulations on your fourth anniversary, Otomachi Una-chan! I drew Una-chans flying in the sky with carp streamers*~! It will continue to be bright! In good spirits! Please let me hear lots of your cute voices! ^^*”
Comment from Saito Naoki:
- “Energetic. I’m a bit timid about this. I like mischieviousness. This is a very fun illustration which distinguishes the different personalities of the three Una-chans. The origami accessories and arrangement of the clothing is really cute! The Otomans swimming freely in the sky among the carp streamers look content too. ♪ ”
*- 鯉のぼり (Koinobori) Carp-shaped streamers/wind socks are usually made and flown as part of “Children’s Day” celebrations in Japan, which is celebrated on May 5th, the last holiday in Golden Week.

Title: \晴れたー!!/ (\Clear skies!!/)
Art by ねこいもも希 (Nekoi)
Artists comment: “Congratulations on your 4th anniversary, Una-chan! Please let us continue to hear your wonderful voice! I drew an illustration of a bright smile that blows away the rainy season.”
Comment from Aimi Tanaka:
- “That beaming smile that sweeps away the feeling of dampness and gloom of rainy season is too cute! It’s a sight for sore eyes ♪. The sparkling after the rain and the rainbow reflected in her eyes are superb. The yellow raincoat is also a selling point…! My eyes and my heart have been captivated!”

Title: 七夕の夜 (Night of Tanabata) *
Art by 番場たくみ (Banba Takumi)
Artists comment: “My entry for the illustration competition! Time published: August 2020 / Time taken to finish: 30 hours.”
Comment from Aimi Tanaka:
- “I thought that the fantastic atmosphere of the Milky Way in the starry sky reflected in the water perfectly represented a summer night and was beautiful! The colour and pattern of the yukata are very “Una-chan” which is nice! I wonder what she wrote on her tanzaku**…? It’s a very exciting illustration! ♪”
*-七夕 (Tanabata): A festival in July in Japan, where people celebrate the reuinification of the stars
*- 短冊 (Tanzaku): Thin, colourful rectangular strips of paper, upon which people write their wishes in the hope that they come true. Once your wish has been written, you’ll attach said paper strip to a tree, like the one Una is holding in the image!

Title: 海中さんぽ (Kaichuu sanpo – underwater walk)
Art by _momokoK
Artists comment: “The first world beneath the sea! Everyone is here to play~” [indicated by Una’s finger being raised, which means that everyone who wants to play is present].
Comment from Aimi Tanaka:
- “Una in the depths of the sea! I thought her clothing and accessories are very mermaid-like, which is cute! ♪ In contrast, the eeriness of the seabed, such as the sunken ship, has been drawn too, and I was intrigued by its mystery. I’m curious about the existence of divers too…!”

Title: 中秋の名月 (Chuushuu no Meigetsu – Harvest Moon)*
Art by 雪ノ音サクヤ (Yuki no Oto Sakuya)
Artist comment: “Congratulations on your fourth anniversary. This time I drew Sugar Una. In your fourth year, I was finally able to draw the third version of Una. One year really flies by… ”
Comment from Aimi Tanaka:
- “The solemn atmosphere and colours of the full moon are wonderful here! The pampas grass on the one side and damselfly pattern on the kimono gives off a very “Autumn” vibe. And her Otoman hat is- is floating…!? Where is it looking…!? I suddenly noticed the the Otoman hat doing its own thing (lol). “
*- 中秋の名月: The Harvest Moon is the first full moon near the beginning of Autumn, and this is what inspires the Japanese festival 月見 (Tsukimi), the Moon viewing festival. During this festival, people will eat tsukimi dango (rice dumplings) like the ones Una is holding in the illustration, and make decorations out of pampas grass, which is in the field Una is standing in.

Title: トリックオアトリート (Trick or Treat)
Art by ちょけ (Cho-ke)
Artist comment: “Halloween Una-chan”
Comment from Aimi Tanaka:
- “Halloween-coloured Una-chan is cute! I like it because it has both Sugar-y vibes and Spice-y vibes. With this… I’m wonder if I should give you treats or something mischievous…! (lol) It’s a really cute illustration coupled with a design which makes it look like a tarot card ♪”

Title: あきうな (Aki Una – Autumn Una)
Art by ゴロ太 (Goro Inu)
Artist comment: “I tried to make it look like the autumn colours of Hamana lake.”
Comments from Aimi Tanaka:
- “Autumn leaves, yakiimo*, persimmons… and Lake Hamana (I assume?). That means that that’s the Tenhama line is in the image too, where the Unapipigo runs! I feel like it’s a piece where Una X Autumn has all been condensed tightly into one image. You can feel the Autumn reading from Una-chan in the center! And patterned tights are always good… “
*- Yakiimo are roasted sweet potatoes, a popular street food in Japan, especially during Autumn.

Title: 雪の日に (Yuki no hi ni – On the snow day)
Art by 夜明ほしこ (Yoake Hoshiko)
Artist comment: “Congratulations Una-chan!”
Comments from Aimi Tanaka:
- “In the middle of the deep, deep snowscape with piling up snow, there is Una-chan, standing alone. The illustration has a very quiet atmosphere, but with the stacking up of the brush strokes, you get a result which brings forth your memories! It looks cold, but for some reason you get a rather warm feeling from it, to the point where you get an illustration filled with an unusual charm ♪”
All of the illustrators here are clearly immensely talented, and have demonstrated a vast array of interesting ways to experiment with Una’s design! I look forward to seeing the overall calendar design once it’s unveiled!
Final notes
As mentioned previously, all of the winning songs shown above will be incorporated into the mobile Rhythm game “Leaping Destiny” alongside キノシタ (Kinoshita)‘s song 「ごーまいうぇい」/ “Go my way”, which can already be played if you download the app! Links to download the game are at the bottom of this article.
The songs “ウナナナナナ!” (Unanananana!)” by 魚井カズキ/Sakanai Kazuki, “crack” by num, and “アンカーチェイン (Anchor Chain) by 一筆かもめ / ippitsu Kamome have all been added to Leaping Destiny to play! For the moment they’re only available on iPhone, but Android players just need to wait a little longer before they can play too!
The songs スリーピングドリーマー (Sleeping dreamer) from CHOUX, 極通 from Earrior and 永久に輝くアイオライト (Iolite sparkling for an eternity) by みーに (Miini) have also been added to Leaping Destiny, first for iPhone, and then Android slightly later.
A selection of songs have been chosen as so-called “Semi-winners” – songs which the organisers also wanted to see in-game! The songs included are “TRICK STAR” by ペー (Peh), 「エンタテイナ」/ “Entertainer” from しゃいと (Shaito), “lying low” from 杜山レイ, 「アクアリウム=シンドローム」/ “Aquarium Syndrome” by やなこ (Yanako) and finally, 「モノクロシティ」/ “Monochrome City” from Vintage.
The next three winning songs being added to the game are ドレミのウナ (Do-re-mi Una) by くゆ太子, “mochi-mochi.cat” by あらたまいこ (Aratamaiko) and ハニー・デイジー (Honey Daisy) from 田淵フミ. These are the last three Una songs to be added, and I’m really excited to play the full roster of songs finally!
Congratualations to all the winners featured here! We hope that many people will invest in the upcoming Una 2021 calender and try out these songs in Leaping Destiny once they’ve all been added!
Illustration competition results page
Otomachi Una official Facebook
DWARF PLANET Co., Ltd. official website (JP)
Download mobile rhythm game “Leaping Destiny” on Android or iOS
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