Yukari, Akari and Kotonoha sisters LINE Stamps Now Available

Normally we’d only see one vocal synth character featured in a set of stamps, but for those of you wanting a bit of variety, VOCALOMAKETS have you covered! Illustrated by popular artist えびごはん / Ebigohan, Yuzuki Yukari, Kizuna Akari and Kotonoha Aoi and Akane have been cutely rendered into fun, useful stamps! The stamps will cost 50 LINE coins, or whatever the equivalent is in your local currency. Below are translations of of what the stamps say, so you can use them any time!
Find the stickers on the LINE Shop below:
…or type in “Yukari,Akari,Kotonoha Sisters” into the search bar in the LINE sticker store on the app:

Sticker Explanation
Here are short explanations on what the girls are saying or doing in the stickers so that you can know when best to use them (from left to right) :

1. Understood
2. This is amazing!
3. (That’s) blessed
4. Why…

5. Yukari looks like she’s going to punch Akari…?
6. Eh~… (kind of sad/disappointed-sounding)
7. You can do it!
8. GAME OVER – Akane mocks you – “idiot.” (a reference to the popular song 何でも言うことを聞いてくれるアカネチャン / Akane-chan Will Go Along With Whatever You Say, where Akane mocks Yukari for thinking she could easily become famous by becoming a streamer for gaming content).

9. Cute MVP! (most valuable player, best player in a team for a game etc.)
10. Tell Akane-chan she’s cute!!
11. Shall we play a game?
12. *onigiri*

13. I’mma clobber you with this fried shrimp!!
14. You did well today *pat pat*
15. !?

17. I did it! / You did it!
18. Good work
19. Nice bait (to be used when some annoying person posts something to bait others into getting offended/annoyed etc. Let the baiter know that you are aware their post isn’t actually serious)
20. Huh?

21. For real?! / Really?!
22. Yay-!
23. Isn’t that so-!
24. Go to sleep already! *turns off light*

25. Wash your hands!
26. So hot…
27. You’ve read my message(s) but where’s the reply? (being left on read)
28. Are you going to reply to my message(s) or…?

29. END/It’s over (“But whyy-?!”)
30. Well~? (Slightly awkward/nervous/embarrassed)
31.Is that so?
32. It’s currently “cat time”! (meow) e.g. it’s time to smother your poor cat in affection (totally not what I do to my cat)
And if you’re interested in other LINE stickers that you can invest in, we have coverage of plenty more across our blog! :