VOCAREVO 133 Roundup: CUL on Mikuture & Holomodels, ROSA’s Illustrations & Crowdfunding Details Revealed

The 133rd installment of HirotoP‘s VOCALO REVOLUTION (hereafter “VOCAREVO”) livestream series was streamed from 7:00 PM to 8:45 PM (JST) on May 15th, 2021, bringing with it some major new announcements!
You can watch the archive below, and continue reading for a summary of what was revealed!
CUL News
First comes some surprise announcements concerning CUL!
That’s right, CUL’s will soon be available in the AR camera app, Mikuture! Users will be able to use her MMD model to strike different poses and make different facial expressions in any picture that they’d like!
Expect the next Mikuture update with CUL soon! You can download the app with the below links!
Holomodels Figure
The next announcement for CUL was that she will soon be getting a digital figure created by Holomodels!
No samples were shown during the livestream, but HirotoP announced that they are expected to go on sale starting in mid-June. So with luck, we’ll be able to see CUL in the Holomodels 3D virtual world for purchasers to use in just one month from now!
You can get ready by getting Holomodels via the below links!
Finalized Illustrations
We were first shown a facial teaser for her, then a pair of black and white rough full-body illustrations, and most recently the same rough illustrations colored in.
But now, no more teasers or rough sketches. We now get to see ROSA’s finalized package illustrations in their full glory!
Her official illustrator is also revealed to be 吉田依世 / Yoshida Iyo. You can find the illustrations in the artist’s official tweet above, or on the official ZAN-SHIN website here!
Note: for those who watch the VOCAREVO 133 livestream and are wondering why they talk about VOCALOID so much at one point, it is because Yoshida Iyo’s original tweet for the artwork mistakenly called ROSA a VOCALOID. They then realized the mistake while watching the livestream, deleted their original tweet, and replaced it with the one that can be found above.
CeVIO AI Talk Voice Crowdfunding
On the official website, there are also newly revealed initial details for ROSA’s CeVIO AI Talk Voice bank crowdfunding campaign coming in June! See below for an unofficial translation about the crowdfunder:
Message from ZAN-SHIN
From June 1st through June 30th, 2021, we at ZAN-SHIN will be starting the ‘Vocal Synth Bank ROSA CeVIO AI TALK Development Project in collaboration with SSS on the crowdfunding platform GREEN FUNDING.
(The crowdfunding page will be revealed when it is complete)One of the special features for this project is how we’re creating systems that will allow for overseas fans to also get involved.
The ROSA Development Project will first create holding the crowdfunder for her Japanese CeVIO AI TALK voice bank before moving on to her Japanese Synthesizer V song bank. It will then proceed to development of her English CeVIO AI TALK voice bank, and then finally her English Synthersizer V song bank.
Message from the Producer
Thank you so much for your continued support of the ROSA Project!
A lot of people have taken an interest in ROSA, CUL’s youngest sister, ever since she was first announced. Thank you so much for that.
I’ve considered many different ways for the ROSA Project to proceed. One of those plans was to hold a crowdfunding campaign, an idea that received a lot support from domestic and overseas fans alike.
I think of the ROSA Project as one that’s created by fans, by artists, and by us, her management team, all working together. I’d very much want to carry out this project under a system for letting overseas fans participate in it as well.
Let’s work together to help give ROSA her voice!
I look forward to working with you!
– HirotoP
Other News
As a personal project for HirotoP, it was announced that REV – a character whom HirotoP created almost a decade ago – is getting a reboot!
REV was a character created for the VOCALO REVOLUTION television program who sang using VY2’s voice, much like how CUL sang with VY1’s voice on the same show before she became a VOCALOID. However, for this project reboot, REV will receive his own Deep Vocal voice bank, recorded using HirotoP’s own voice!
It was even noted on Twitter that if REV’s Deep Vocal voice bank becomes popular enough, HirotoP will consider turning him into a commercial singing software product with a professional voice provider!
HirotoP wanted to make it clear, however, that REV’s project has nothing to do with ZAN-SHIN, and is solely his own personal project. Stay tuned to HirotoP’s Twitter for updates on when REV’s Deep Vocal bank will become available!
ROSA Tidbits
Throughout the VOCAREVO 133 livestream, several tidbits about ROSA were mentioned, some concerning her official character setting, and even some for her future development! Here’s a summary of them all:
- ROSA is a freshman in high school
- Her favorite food is strawberry daifuku
- Her voice will be a power-type voice, and will sound strong like CUL and vflower
- HirotoP is planning on making a free Lite version available for her Synthesizer V AI bank
- HirotoP confirmed that ROSA will not get a Synthesizer V Standard voice bank, feeling it unnecessary
- HirotoP also said that he would like to release ROSA sometime in the fall; he mentioned this when he confirmed that he will attend CUL’s PARTY in December where he would like to sell official CUL 10th Anniversary merchandise; this may also include ROSA’s voice bank if it is ready by then
- The reason why the ROSA Project is taking the above-mentioned development order is because HirotoP wants to create her talk banks early for those fans who want to purchase and use only her talk banks, but not her SynthV song banks.
With both CUL and ROSA, and even REV getting exciting new projects very soon, are you ready to support them all?
Stay tuned as more details are announced for any and all of the projects mentioned above!
1 Response
[…] mentioned on the VOCALO REVOLUTION 133 livestream, the crowdfunding campaign for ROSA’s Japanese CeVIO AI Talk bank has commenced earlier this […]