Stardust Infinity Now Open for Pre-order, Demo Songs Released

After years of waiting and contract issues, Chalili is free to voice Stardust once again! With this, Stardust finally moves away from VOCALOID to Synthesizer V with a new AI voicebank called Stardust Infinity which is able to sing in three languages (Chinese, Japanese, and English) because of the latest cross-lingual features for Synthesizer V. Her tone may have changed a bit, but deep down, she’s still the same Stardust.
New design
Quadimension knows full well how iconic Stardust’s V4 outfit is, so they’re very hesitant towards creating a new one for her Synthesizer V product. Ddickky has posted a piece of concept art which, depending on fan reaction, will become either an official Synth V design or will be used somewhere in the MEDIUM⁵ 2050 game.

Below is some more concept art first revealed on August 2021. Quadimension has been trying their best to design a new Stardust for quite a long time already, and we wish them all the best as they finalize the costume design that they are most satisfied with.

Demo songs
Chinese demonstration: 零和Zero-Sum
Voicebanks used: Synthesizer V AI Stardust Infinity, Synthesizer V Minus
Music & Arrangement: Kide
Mix: Zeno
Character Design: xiao葉有囍

Chinese demonstration: 淋雨一直走 (Keep Walking in the Rain)
Original singer: 张韶涵 / Angela Zhang
Voicebanks used: Synthersizer V AI Stardust Infinity, Stardust V4 (Chorus)
Tuning: 瑞安Ryan

Japanese demonstation: 残响散歌 (Zankyosanka)
Original singer: Aimer
Music: 飛内 将大 / Tobinai Masahiro
Lyrics: aimerrhythm
From the Kimetsu no Yaiba anime series
Tuning, mixing: Creuzer
Voicebank used: Synthesizer V AI Stardust Infinity, Synthesizer V Muxin, Cangqiong (harmonies)

English demonstration: 7rings
Original: Ariana Grande
Tuning: 瑞安Ryan
Mix: Zeno

While Stardust Infinity’s exact release date is still unknown, her pre-order period is said to last for about an month.
Product page on Taobao
During preorder period
- ¥712 RMB
- ¥612 RMB if you own her v4
After preorder period
- ¥812 RMB
- ¥712 RMB if you own her v4
