Project SEKAI Wondershow Channel #4 Roundup

Content for this article was made possible thanks to our partners at Project SEKAI English Community
Another month, another Wondershow Channel livestream for Project SEKAI Colorful Stage! feat. Hatsune Miku! As always, the wonderhoi cast of Wonderlands×Showtime invited guest voice actors and actresses from other units to go over the latest SEKAI news, this time being those of the Shinonome siblings!
Find archives of the stream below, and continue reading for a roundup of announcements!
※Translations of all content below are unofficial
Livestream Info
Date & Time: January 25, 2021 from 7:00 PM (JST)
Hosts: Hirose Daisuke, Kino Hina
Guests: Imai Fumiya, Suzuki Minori (her first appearance on the stream), Kondo Yuichiro (game producer)
Runtime: 1 hour 23 minutes 34 seconds
Initial Announcements
YouTube Channel Subscribers
As of January 6, 2021, the official Project SEKAI YouTube channel has reached over 250,000 subscribers! Suzuki was especially ecstatic to see the “25” in the new updated figure!
Thanks to these numbers, the new voice dramas featuring the game’s voice actors and actresses portraying their characters will be coming to the channel! Look forward to their uploads soon!
Wonderhoi Challenge
Like before, Twitter users were challenged to tweet about the livestream using the hashtag #プロセカ生放送, and all players would be awarded 500 crystals if it becomes the number 1 trend on Twitter.
And less than a minute after the challenge announcement, it became the number 1 trend! Never underestimate SEKAI fans! We can expect our crystals soon thanks to the whole community!
News Corner
Version 1.4.0 Update Info
In their continuing effort to make the game more playable and enjoyable for all, the dev team will be bringing a series of major changes to update 1.4.0 on January 28. The changes to be implemented are outlined on the official site here, and translated below!
Game producer Kondo Yuichiro again appeared during the stream to explain the new changes in greater detail.
Expanded Virtual Lives
The beta testing stage of the expanded Virtual Lives went without any major hitch, so we can expect the numbers allowed in each waiting room and Virtual Live stage to be greatly increased in the next update!

Friend System
The new Friend system will be implemented as well, allowing people to more easily connect with their real-life friends who play the game, or anyone player whom they want to connect and participate with in Multi-Lives or Virtual Lives!
In fact, they even suggested a hashtag to use on social media for players to find friends with! The hashtag is #プロセカフレンド募集, so include it in your social media posts once the feature is implemented, and become a more sociable player!

Increase in Challenge Live Rewards
Concerning the adjustments made to the rewards from playing Challenge Lives, Kondo felt that the amount currently given out is too small for busy players without much time to play, and who probably have a hard time collecting sufficient Gems and Event Points and Badges to purchase what they want. He and dev team want to make the Challenge Lives more worth playing by giving out more rewards in a single go with increased Event currency, Practice Score (2.5x), and Gem rewards (including Miracle Gems, 2x).
We will see exactly how much of an increase it will be for each reward when the changes come!
Changes in Another Vocal Card Acquisition
Similar to Challenge Lives, Kondo feels that the current pace at which players acquire Another Vocal Cards for characters is too slow. That is why they are considering the Another Vocal Exchange Ticket item that will be acquirable during Events, and used to exchange for a character’s Another Vocal Card to purchase Another Vocal versions of songs to play.
For specific Unit Events that feature bonus characters from the same Unit, these Tickets will likewise be Unit specific. And for Shuffle Events that feature bonus characters from different units, the Another Vocal Exchange Ticket can be used to acquire the Another Vocal Cards for any bonus character from that event!
This is, of course, still in the planning stages, and is subject to change. We will just need to wait patiently, and then enjoy all the new changes to the game!
Bug Fixes
The version 1.4.0 update will:
- Fix a bug that causes changes in image quality made in the Option menu to not get implemented
- Fix a bug that causes changes made to Live sound effect volume in the Option menu to become System sound effect changes
- Fix a bug that causes area conversations to be played before the Login Bonus animation is played, and causes the Login Bonus animation screens to appear in the middle of area conversations after the game is downloaded for the first time
- Fix a bug that causes the original colors for live outfits to appear on the menu screen even after the player selects another color
- Fix a bug that causes MV setting changes to revert back to their default settings upon opening the menu
- Fix a bug that causes swiping the banner on the home screen to sometimes end up on the banner before it
- Fix a bug that causes the displayed Unit Power of a Challenge Live to change depending on the setup of the current Main deck
- Fix a bug that causes Hatsune Miku’s spoken line after clearing a Live to not match up with her specific sub-Unit version in cases when her currently selected Live outfit is a different one that of her sub-Unit version
- Fix a bug that causes the Live Bonus numbers to look odd when a player ranks up
- Fix a bug that causes the story screen to shake under certain conditions
- Fix a bug that causes the timing of the final skill activation during Challenge Lives to be off in cases when you’re playing with 4 or less members
- Fix a bug that causes the stage design of a Virtual Live to change into the wrong one when entering a Virtual Live with a lot of people immediately after playing a 3DMV
- Fix a bug that causes the mirror ball in the 3DMV for チュルリラ・チュルリラ・ダッダッダ! / Chururira Chururira Daddadda! to appear weird on certain devices
Other Updates
Next, along with the expanded Virtual Lives, Private Rooms that players create will also enjoy the increased limit to amount of players allowed in.
And the livestream cast was pleased to hear about the upcoming ability to skip the company name screens upon booting up the game by tapping the screen! Even they feel that these startup screens are quite long as they are now, and welcome the skip ability.
Along with the new update will also come the start of a new event. Kondo even hinted at a new way to play in said event, so expect details on that to come soon!
Finally, changes will be implemented for cases when players lose connection during Multi-Lives.
Currently, when connection is lost for a player during a Multi-Live starts, the offending player may not be allowed back into a Multi-Live room for a set amount of time, and the final score for the Multi-Live will be reduced for the remaining players.
That, of course, can be unfair for the remaining Multi-Live players. Therefore, Kondo and the dev team are considering ways to make it so that only the remaining players’ scores will be factored into the final score of a Multi-Live in the event that one or more players lose connection.
This may mean that reduced scores from disconnections may be a thing of the past, and might even make it easier to get Super Fever by factoring out the scores and play performance of players who disconnect from the room.
Like all planned changes, these are still under consideration and subject to change, but we are nonetheless excited to learn what they come up with in the end!
ProSEKA News Corner
Upcoming Virtual Lives for Birthdays, Anniversaries, and Valentine’s Day
Here’s a look at the character birthdays and anniversaries that we will be seeing next!

January 27: Mafuyu’s birthday
January 30: Luka’s anniversary
February 10: Kanade’s birthday
February 17: KAITO’s anniversary
As with all birthdays and anniversaries, the will be Virtual Lives held in honor of the characters on their special days! Attending these Virtual Lives will net the players new Happy Birthday titles and Crystals, and limited Virtual Shop items like character outfits for your avatar will be available for purchase!
Furthermore, there will a Valentine’s Day Virtual Live held from February 14, 2021 at 12:00 AM (JST) to February 15, 2021 at 11:00 PM (JST)! Attending that will also net players a new title and items.
The performers will be all the Virtual Singers (Miku, Rin, Len, Luka, MEIKO and KAITO) and members of Wonderlands×Showtime (Tsukasa, Emu, Nene and Rui). Look forward to seeing what they will perform!
Accompanying the Virtual Live will also be a Valentine’s Day login campaign. This gives you good reason to log in to Project SEKAI while spending time with your significant other (and maybe get them to play the game, too)!
New Songs Additions
Here’s a sneak peak at the new songs that will be added to the game for players to enjoy!
ミルククラウン・オン・ソーネチカ / Milk Crown on Sonechka
- Lyrics, music, arrangement: ユジー / yuzy
- Available MVs
– No MV - Available songs versions
– Virtual Singer ver. (Hatsune Miku)
– SEKAI ver. (Hanasato Minori, Hinomori Shizuku, Hatsune Miku)
– Another Vocal ver. (Hanasato Minori)
– Another Vocal ver. (Hinomori Shizuku)
- Lyrics: れをる / Reol
- Music, arrangement: Giga
- Available MVs
– 3DMV - Available songs versions
– Virtual Singer ver. (Kagamine Rin, Megurine Luka
– SEKAI ver. (Azusawa Kohane, Shiraishi An, Kagamine Rin, Megurine Luka)
- Lyrics: 164
- Music: 40mP
- Arrangement: 1640mP
- Available MVs
– 3DMV - Available song versions
– Virtual Singer ver. (Hatsune Miku)
– SEKAI ver. (Hoshino Ichika, Tenma Saki, Hatsune Miku)
– Another Vocal ver. (Tenma Saki)
ポジティブ☆ダンスタイム / Positive ☆ Dance Time
- Lyrics, music, arrangement: キノシタ / Kinoshita
- Available MVs
– No MV - Available song versions
– Virtual Singer ver. (Otomachi Una*, Kagamine Rin)
– SEKAI ver. (Otori Emu, Kusanagi Nene, Kagamine Rin)
– Another Vocal ver. (Otori Emu)
– Another Vocal ver. (Kusanagi Nene)
* This will be the very first song in the game that will be sung by Una
Brand New Day (winner of the ProSEKA NEXT contest)
- Lyrics, music, arrangement: いるかアイス / irucaice
- Available MVs
– No MV - Available song versions
– Virtual Singer ver. (Hatsune Miku)
Original Songs
We got to enjoy original commissioned songs from Orangestar and 40mP in the past two events, and this trend will continue! Here’s what’s been announced for the next two in-game events!
Vivid BAD SQUAD Event: Period of Nocturne
Start date: January 31,2021
Featuring an original song by 八王子P / HachiojiP
Commentary from the artist:
“This is HachiojiP. I really enjoy this game as a player as well, so I’m thrilled at the chance to be involved in it like this! Keeping in mind Vivid BAD SQUAD’s edgy kind of music, I created a rap song for Akito and Toya to take on the challenge of singing. I hope everyone likes it!”
25-ji, Night Code de. Event (title currently unknown)
Featuring an original song by すりぃ / Surii
Commentary from the artist:
“Greetings to everyone who enjoys playing Project SEKAI. You can call me Surii. I too am really looking forward to the day when the song that I was commissioned to write for 25 will be playable in the rhythm game. Whenever I imagine everyone getting immersed in the world of the music rhythm playing from the palm of their hands, I feel myself welling up with tears.”
Original VOCALOID song by Itou Kent
That’s right, Toya’s own voice actor will be composing a song for Project SEKAI!
During the livestream, Itou even appeared through a video message that played, explaining this new challenge of his. The video message starts at 41:29 into the stream, and you can jump straight to it by clicking here.
See below for an unofficial translation!

“Hello, everyone. This is Itou Kent, voice actor for Aoyagi Toya. I hope you’re all enjoying the livestream.”
“As for me, I’ve been commissioned to compose an original song for Project SEKAI! I never thought something like this could pan out. It’s been a really long time, like in the vicinity of 10 years, since I last wrote what can be called a VOCALOID song, but now I finally get to write one again. This is a great honor that I’m truly thankful for and will do my best to make it a great song! I hope for your continued support!”
“Furthermore, a new Vivid BAD SQUAD event was just announced. In it, YOU will be the main character, so I hope you enjoy playing the game!
This has been Itou Kent! One of these days, I’ll definitely appear in a livestream, too!”
This is quite the unexpected but exciting announcement! Look forward to the day when we get to hear and play each of these new songs!
New Collaborations
Nurimasu Contest
Starting on February 4, a new Project SEKAI collaboration with Clip Studio will commence in the form of their 15th ‘Nurimasu‘ contest!
Nurimasu is a series of coloring contests in which participants used Clip Studio products to color in character line art in any way that they like, and enter them for the chance to win some fabulous prizes!
The official site can be found here with preliminary info on how to enter and more:
Step 1: Download the line art that you would like to color in (to be made available on February 4)
Step 2: Select the software that you would like to use (free download)
Clip Studio Paint or ibis Paint
Step 3: Post your creation on Twitter with the hashtag #第十五回塗りマス
Entry Period: February 4 through February 24 at 11:59 PM (JST)
Results expected to be announced on March 12, 2021
Planned Prizes: PCs, tablets, and more that will be detailed later
※Depending on the prize item, overseas shipment may not be possible
Other Rules:
- Please only enter drawings that you yourself have colored in
- Please acknowledge that your contest entries may be used for promotional purposes by Celsys Inc., ibis, or COLOPL
- Your contest entry upload absolutely must include the hashtag #第十五回塗りマス, or else it will not be eligible
- Minors must provide parental or guardian consent
- Each entrant may enter as many works as they want
- In addition to the characters, the backgrounds of your illustrations will also be judged
- Please make sure that any copyright notice on the line art can be easily noticeable
The following types of entries will not be allowed in the contest:
- Non-digital artwork entries
- Entries with artwork apart from the digital line art of the contest
- Entries that infringe on an individual’s privacy in any way, such as with their real names in the artwork title
- Entries with content that infringes on the rights of any other individual
- Entries with content that violate public order
- Any entry that the contest organizers deem ineligible. Inquiries about the reasons for ineligibility will not be answered
Snow Miku 2021 Booth
Project SEKAI will have their own booth at the Wing Bay Otaru mall during Snow Miku 2021 on February 6 and 7!
Visitors to their booth can enjoy seeing panel displays of the illustrations used during the game’s 39-day countdown to release tweets that you can find the Twitter Moments for here!
Players of the game can even show the app icon to the booth personnel to receive a clear file folder and random sticker (1 of 6 possible ones) with illustrations of the different versions of Miku in the game!※
※Only available while supplies last (so you can bet that we’re going to make a mad dash for the booth once we’re in the complex!)
Arcade Rhythm Games and RAGE
As previously announced, the Project SEKAI collaborations with Ongeki R.E.D., CHUNITHM PARADISE, and maimai Delux Splash are now underway! Get detailed information about them in our previous article here!
It was also re-confirmed that Project SEKAI will be included in the RAGE Party 2021 competition. Expect esteemed guest appearances and some red-hot competition on February 23! Details to come later!
Upcoming Official Merchandise
New Animate Goods
By now, you may have seen or even purchased some of the Project SEKAI goods that were recently released at Animate (and if you haven’t, then take a look at our Twitter Moments for photos taken on launch day here!).
But they’re not stopping there! On March 3, another round of goods will be coming! This time, they will include individual character clear file folders, and the Character Badge Collection Vol. 2 sets featuring artwork of the characters in their school uniforms, or default outfits in the cases of the Virtual Singers!

Are we going to be there for launch day of this release event as well?
Do you even need to ask?
New SEGA Goods
Animate isn’t the only one providing new SEKAI merch. SEGA is also stepping up with their chibi character can badge collections and acrylic puzzle keychains!

Here is some specific details about each.
The can badge collections will come in three volumes:
- Vol. 1 will contain Virtual Singer and Leo/need badges
- Vol. 2 will contain MORE MORE JUMP! and Wonderlands×Showtime badges
- Vol. 3 will contain Vivid BAD SQUAD and 25-ji, Night Code de. badges
- All volumes will be released at the same time!
The acrylic puzzle keychains will be sold in boxes, divided by different units. The acrylic parts of each keychain are actually puzzle pieces that can be collected and fitted together after removing their chains to form one big puzzle!
All new goods are expected for release sometime in April, but will be available for pre-order on the SEGA Store starting on February 15, 2021! Look forward to more details!
And that’s still not all! Starting sometime in March 2021 will be a special merchandise sales event held at TOWER RECORDS!
Details are still scarce at the moment, but look forward to learning more once they are announced, and also look forward to our visit to the event (provided that we don’t go broke on SEKAI merch by then)!
Costume Design Contest Round 3
The livestream cast then gave us a closer look at the winners of round 3 of the ongoing costume design contest for new outfits that are released each month as part of the Premium Mission Pass!
We go over each winning entry and their judges’ comments in our previous article here, so go check it out if you haven’t read it yet!
YouTube Channel Content
Finally, some announcements were made concerning new content that we will be able to enjoy very soon on YouTube!
First, as all players know, the “Color of Myself!” event is still going on in the game, which we go over in detail here. It was announced that upon the event’s conclusion on January 30, the MORE MORE JUMP! voice drama will be made available as the first in the series that was confirmed upon reaching 250,000 subscribers on the Project SEKAI YouTube channel!
Look forward to that in just a few more days!
ProSEKA Story Theater
Moving on, the next ProSEKA Story Theater has been confirmed to stream on January 30 at 2:00 PM (JST)! Expect Sumi Tomomi Jiena and Imai Fumiya to appear and watch the Vivid BAD SQUAD Unit Story together with fans and provide live commentary (and probably more than a few waterworks if the past streams have shown us anything)!

Then the final two ProSEKA Story Theater streams were confirmed as follows:
February 7 at 2:00 PM (JST): Wonderlands×Showtime Story Theater with Hirose Daisuke and Machico
February 14 at 2:00 PM (JST): 25-ji, Night Code de. Story Theater with Suzuki Minori and Satou Hinata

25 Radio
And finally, a special announcement was made for the Februrary 6 installment of 25-ji, Night Radio de.
For the first time, all four members of 25 will be present to talk about the game and answer your questions!

Email the members of 25 at [email protected] with the following:
- 1) Your radio nickname
- 2) Your corner of choice
– 「25時、ナニカドコカで。」(“25-ji, something-somewhere de.”): provide topics for the cast to chat together about as if on the Night Code chat tool!
– 「これ、かわいくない!?」(“Isn’t this cute!?”): Talk about what you find cute for the lover of all things cute, Mizuki!
– 「いいね!ください!」(“Likes, please!”): Talk about what you feel proud about, what you work hard at, or what you want to be praised for with the like-minded (pun intended) Ena! - 3) Main email content
- 4) Your age
And thus concludes Wondershow Channel #4 of January 2021! We hope you enjoyed reading over all the current and upcoming content for Project SEKAI, and look forward to next month’s livestream!
Until then, happy gaming!
- Game download page
- Project SEKAI Colorful Stage! feat. Hatsune Miku official site
- Project SEKAI Colorful Stage! feat. Hatsune Miku official Twitter
- Initial game announcement and “rumors”
- Official outfit designs
- “Daily Life at Project SEKAI” Comics
Livestream Highlights
- First livestream from October 23, 2019
- Miku Day livestream from the March 9, 2020
- Pre-registration livestream from July 22, 2020
- Virtual Live livestream from August 24, 2020
- Pre-release livestream from September 26, 2020
- Release celebration livestream from October 2, 2020
- Wondershow Channel #3 livestream from December 23, 2020
Project Message
Colorful Broadcast
Character Profiles
Virtual Singers
・Hatsune Miku
・Kagamine Rin
・Kagamine Len
・Megurine Luka
・Hoshino Ichika
・Tenma Saki
・Mochizuki Honami
・Hinomori Shiho
・Hanasato Minori
・Kiritani Haruka
・Momoi Airi
・Hinomori Shizuku
・Azusawa Kohane
・Shiraishi An
・Shinonome Akito
・Aoyagi Toya
Wonderlands x Showtime
・Tenma Tsukasa
・Otori Emu
・Kusanagi Nene
・Kamishiro Rui
25 o’clock by Night Code
・Yoisaki Kanade
・Asahina Mafuyu
・Shinonome Ena
・Akiyama Mizuki
4 Responses
[…] concludes the roundup of updates to Project SEKAI Colorful Stage! feat. Hatsune Miku since our previous summary, which was a lot as usual! It’s no exaggeration to say that not even a week can pass without […]
[…] Wondershow Channel #4 livestream from January 25, 2021 […]
[…] first announced on the Wondershow Channel #4 livestream, new merchandise for Project SEKAI Colorful Stage! feat. Hatsune Miku is now available for […]
[…] Wondershow Channel #4 livestream from January 25, 2021 […]